Me would like to know your opinions....

Hi Guys, 

I need your opinion on certain thigs so yea. Just comment em below!


1. I wanna make a teaser pic for one of my fics, so I used this new app that I saw online. Idk if its good. Give me your suggestions. I made two versions.


2.  What are your perceptions about the VIP fandom? (its ok if u dun answer the others, but pls answer this one!!!)


3. Which font looks the nicest?

Brothers of Metal, 


Gamma Sentry, 

Car Crash, 


Patinio iAgency, 

Aero Dynamic, 


That's all! Thanksssss!


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kitalla #1
I like the first poster. VIPs are awesome, like BIGBANG. And I like the last of the fonts.
I like the first one cuz it is dark. But i also like the second one because the girl(looks like dara) is like fading away.
I'm not sure about the VIP fandom.
For font i like Aero Dynamic.
I really like the first one, i like that circle~
I don't know much about VIP fandom because i'm an exo fans but i think VIP is a good fandom and don't cause any problem. Sorry, I can't pick the nicest font because i'm online in mobile. That's my personal answer :)
I personally like the second poster more ^^
kett87 #5
The first one. I like that more~~~~~
I like the first poster! Hoho
And about VIP, for me they are great. Really. Idk why but I just feel VIP is solid. I love EXO but, if you ask me which fandoms are better, I will definitely choose VIP. And idk why but in my eyes VIP is... awesome? Idk how to describe. Kkk~ and yeah, VIP deserve the fans or whatever the name is it. Hohoho...
And the font... Are they all the same? /forgive my eyes. Huhuhu.../
Brothers of Metal, is the nicest and i like the blue pic but that could be because it is my fave color