42 Random Question

Have you ever:
: 1. Skipped class?
: 2. Done drugs?
: 3. Self harmed?
Like cuts myself? No.
: 4. Drank?
A bit.
: 5. Shoplifted?
: 6. Gotten a tattoo?
: 7. Broken up with someone?
Never in a relationship before. ._.
What's your favorite:
: 8. Show?
Arirang's After School Club, SS501's Idol World, EXO's Showtime, Infinite Ranking King & Sesame Player, U-Kiss Vampire, Happy Camp.
: 9. Movie?
I can't think of any right now.
: 10. Song?
There's too many to mention. ><
: 11. Tumblr?
: 12. Singer/Band?
There's too many to tells.
: 13. Memory?
Perhaps my childhood memories? I'm not sure.
: 14. Book?
Sherlock series, The Crystal Stopper -and any story of Arsené Lupin-, Harry Potter series.
This or that:
: 15. Invisibility or Ability to fly?
Can I've both of them? O.o
: 16. Cookies or Cake?
Cake…… Ugh maybe cookie… Oh no. I want both ><
: 17. Twitter or Facebook?
: 18. Movies or Books?
: 19. Coke or Sprite?
Black Soda Drink~~ ><
: 20. Blind or Deaf?
Ugh… Why do I have to choose it? But well, I think Blind is better than Deaf since well… If you're deaf, then you probably will be a mute as well. So…… I chose…… None of them. ._.
: 21. Tea or Coffee?
What's your:
: 22. Age?
I'm in my teenager year. Can you guess how old am I? LOL xd
: 23. Sign?
- 69 Cancer~ ♥
: 24. Height
1m 55cm. Okay I know I'm short. ><
: 25. ual orientation?
A straight female ^^v
: 26. Shoe size?
Since every country have sizes the shoe in different way, then… I'm not sure how to tell. ><
: 27. Religion?
100% Buddhist and proud of it B)
: 28. Longest relationship?
Never been in any before. ><
Opinion on:
: 29. Gay rights?
Shouldn't be allowed. What do you expect all women to be if all men were gay? O.o
: 30. Second chances?
Only given to those who deserves.
: 31. Long distance relationships?
Rarely work out well in general and won't work out well in personal.
: 32. Abortion?
Only done by a dumb coward; a golden ticket to meet Hades/Grim Reaper/ whatever you call them. ._.
: 33. The death penalty?
I thought penalty only exist in soccer. No? O.o Kbye. ._.
: 34. ?
Should be destroyed from this universe.
: 35. Love?
Like a coin. Each have a different side. One will makes you feels like you're living in a heavenly tale while the other one will makes you feels like you're living in a ty hell of reality. ._.
Do you:
: 36. Believe in ghost?
: 37. Shower facing the shower head or turned away from it?
: 38. Sleep with the door opened or closed?
: 39. Love someone?
Everyone does have someone they love, don't they? =="
: 40. Still watch cartoons?
: 41. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?
No. Not yet.
: 42. Like yourself?
Well no. I LOVE MYSELF. ._.


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kimsfangirl #1
May i steal this ?