Like This

Oowww... In sudden, I love one of Wonder Girls' song "Like This"
The song keeps on rolling inside my head
Too bad it wont fit one of my upgoing stories
As the result, I am not able to draft any of them *reason*
Yoo all.. Please hand me good songs that might fit my stories
So I will able to bring back my feeling in writing my stories.
You all know that songs influence me so.damn.much
Thanks a lot


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Few suggestions: listen to Westlife songs cause they are freezing awesome in expressing things that you can't say by words- recommendations- my love, if I let you go, why do I love you.
Pink's just give me a reason, Jason Chen and Megan Nicole- It girl, Jason Chen and Joseph Vincet- only just a dream.
Don't know if they suit you but I listen to them too often. Also try Abba, Boyzone- no matter what. Hope it helps.
How about john legend - all of me
I think it fits OTND. I think.
Valli frankie's my eyes adored you
Hmmm...I think song from Ariana Grande - Almost Is Never Enough for will my pain be ours?