For the second time, I lost my story draft. Just when I about to post it!


Gosh, my heart!


I am super pissed!



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leosaly #1
Aaawww, I am being late again... Sorryyy.
Sabar, mbak sabar... Haduh, emg ngeselin klo dah susah2 nulis eh tiba2 ilang...
Tapi, mbak kan paling jago nulis, pasti bisa replace ato bahkan bikin chapter yg lebih heboh!
Jangan patah semangat mbak. Fighting! Fighting!
OMG indeed..but never mind dear author..you take your time and write it..we can wait
Aww Im sorry to hear that :(
Sorry to hear that Asri. Don't stress too much and take it easy dear.
oh no :((( that's why i always back up my work in google drive :")
yooandi #6
Aww im sorry that must ;-;