Kinda confused

One of my readers told me about the newest featured story "Red Skys and Royal Cards" and told me that there are some similarities to Two Moons, so I was kind of curious and checked it out.


Well, it is not a plagiarized story, not in its whole and I don't want to accuse the author of anything because I know there are so similar stories on AFF but there are awefully lot similarities like the whole Master-Warrior thing (only that the Warrior has to be summoned by kissing a card, which reminds me of the manga barajou no Kiss) and that each Warrior has a special ability, which also has to do with the elements water, fire, earth, air and spirit.


I know, the fifth element is light in Two Moons but I slightly narrowed my eyes at the story.


There is also this whole human-non human civilization and it also plays in school like environment.


Again, I am not saying it is plagiarizing in any way (because, as I said, there are so many similar stories here) but I am side eying this story now because it reminds me of a fuse between Two Moons and Barajou no Kiss.


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Isongprince #1
Can you please give me the link to that fic so i can check it out
hasegawa_asuka #2
actually, there are many other stories have similar theme....ust watch it out and i am doing checking as u know my taste, i like fantasy theme and always check out stories. i will let u know if i found something odd...keep an eye first.
It reminds me of the anime Cardcaptor Sakura. LOL. I've read it too and I admit there are a heck lot of similarities to Two Moons, especially the Master-Warrior system but plagiarism? Nah. I highly doubt it. Two Moons is really popular so maybe they were inspired by it, created their own and twisted the plot a bit? Like the fanfictions with the wolves/vampires bonding with one human girl, etcetera etcetera. There's really no need to worry. Plus, you only have selected EXO members to be a part of the harem. Hers on the other hand, has everyone included.
I also don't think this author plagerized you or anything. Like you said there are meny, meny stories with similar plots. Almost every high school fluff story on here is the same -_- , ( no offense to anyone who wrote one, i have enjoyef a few) also like you said it reminded you of a manga, i just started reading that story and it reminded me of numerous things, ranging from mangas to books, to even two moons. Heck this story had a few things in it similar to one of my story ideas that i never wrote! I believe we as human beings find the need to compare new things we see to something we have already seen. Also your writing styles are VERY diffrent, ive read multiple stories from you, (the lost king being one of my FAVS!) and this author is very diffrent. Honestly the only things i see similar, is the fact that there are masters, and warriors, the elements, the fact that shes at a specific college for dealers, and the fact that she doesnt know why shes a dealer and do forth. But other then that, i see an original story, Sorry for my rant.
PearLee #5
there are like really a lot of stories with this kind of plot and for a few times I've been tricked that they are one same story, which they are not...when I clicked in to read and the difference is only the sequence of different characters that show up in the story.. but nah plagiarism is out of the question though I will say this story is very similar to another story that has the similar plot..the development of the main character,etc :/ However I'm kind of envy that many authors here just like this one is daring to use a great number of characters in a story to make possible love's so hard to do so.. >< like your story too with the tag 'harem'.. personally i think its hard to maintain the plot with all the characters having equal moments with the main character without biased to a few.. Ops sorry was ranting about something totally unrelated...
Anyway have a nice day! :)
I don't think it's anything for you to worry about :) Sure, there a bit of similarities here and there but personally, the writing styles between the two of you writers really differs! And I admire your lengthy stories that have so much depth and development in them
teddiursas #7
Barajou no Kiss is that manga with blue roses and whatnot right?
The whole kissing cards things reminds me of another aff story it's called 'Kiss Of The Rose Princess' by TheChildishDreamer, I've read the story but like you said it's very hard to figure out if it's plagiarized or not because there are other stories that have similarities
I don't know if it's really plagiarizing,I've read the whole story and it didn't remind me of two moons.But keep reading it to make sure.The author of the story asked the readers a few chapters back in an author's note what things she didn't explain yet,since she doesn't remember and that there is only one arc left.The story will be ending,so I don't think she's copying your's.Love you. ^•^
Locketlover #10
Idk this story line is very popular and I have seen like 5 other stories that have a similar theme but just keep an eye on it:D
I thought of Cardcaptor Sakura, but that's just me.
I also saw some similarities between both stories.