More About Me

My real name is Eiki Kimura.

I love the color red, mainly dark shades of red, reminds me of blood {I am a creepy kid}.

I keep my hair dark all the time, if I dye it, I keep it dark.

My eye color is silver, when I cry, they turn silver blue for some reason.

People call me Baby Wolf, or Wolf Angel or Baby Angel Wolf, I prefer Baby Wolf.

My favorite animals are Silver Wolves.

Um, when I write, it is usually sad, most of the time I write sad stories.

My stories are mainly about my life, nothing that I see from watching EXO shows, my stories are about my life.

My favorite food is Fried Kimchi with ramen.

I am Japanese.

I have been to two other places in the whole world. They are L.A. and Florida.

Um....I can't think of anything else so ASK ME QUESTIONS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT ME ^^


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I mostly write stories about my life too
N I love the color red, ur not a creep cuz of that lots of ppl love it cuz it reminds them of blood
Cool saenggie~
I want to see your eyes one day. :)
I love your eyes <3
I bet your eyes are amazing up close. =)

Are there other places you would like to visit?
cool ^^ I used to live in L.A <3 wow~ your eyes are silver, like grey? that's really unique ^^