"My Tug-of-War"

What do you do
When the love of two
Kills in bliss
Feelings that cloud over
Brew inside like storms
A hurricane and a tsunami
I don't know which is worst

Just one person
Is all I can handle
Because me
I am only one
Two souls that won't move on
Haunt this single entity

Dreams, significant and timely
Like night terrors to my heart 
They bring about confusion
An overflow
Of unwanted fantasies
And ed up emotions

My biggest fear
To try once more with one
But afraid of leaving him heartbroken
Or to try with the other
In fear of having my own heart broken

In this game of Tug-of-War
It's not me that they're pulling for
But me who's trapped in the middle
Of my own desires
My own emotions and wondered thoughts
Pulling repeatedly for one of them
Yet I'm stuck with both hands on opposite ropes

Chan's Girl


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