My Year Long Dilemma

So for about a good year, I haven't felt the desire to read or write fanfics. I want to blame it on my first year of college, and being overwhelmed or too busy, but it's just a sudden lack of interest all of a sudden. I get story updates and its like (._.) and I have like 5 unfinished story's just collecting digital dust on my laptop. Just last summer I had to force myself to end my most recent story. I thought this was just gonna be a short phase but its like something shoved my love and desire for fanfics in a box and threw it away. I also don't watch as much drama's as I use to. 

All I can do now is think of the good times.

I miss the way I used to feel.

Chan's Girl


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I think quite a number of users on here have experienced or are still experiencing this, and some have left. I usually suspect it's love and growing up, coupled with a change of interest. But I'm not sure. In the 10+ years I've spent writing and reading, I've never felt this way and still don't. It seems scary to imagine. I hope your passion comes back and you don't have to miss those times anymore. Maybe this is only temporary ❤