Everybody Needs to Calm Down! [rant]

Okay... I didn't plan to comment on this case. I read many and many opinions, rants and complaints and I felt like nobody needs another comment amongst the thousands and thousands. But now I can't take it anymore!

I was of course dumbfounded when I heard the news about Taeyeon and Baekhyun dating case. I was literally speechless for a long moment... then I felt sad. I couldn't really put a finger on it why but I felt sad. I wasn't angry or anything I just didn't understand a thing, it seemd to be so random, so unbelievable, so sudden... I couldn't handle it.

I saw the pictures as well. I didn't want to see them at first because 1) hell I''m not a stalker thank you and 2) most of the time pictures are fake and even if they real it's hard to make out anything from them. I also admit that the thing that I was sad had something to do with it too... But at the end I did, I saw the pictures one by one and my feelings has changed.

Is it just me or Taeyeon looks really happy in some of the pictures? I'm not a fan of her - yes she's okay, she can sing really well but nothing special for me - but when I saw her smile I can't help but smile too. Call me delusional but for me they look happy and I realized that that's all what matters.

Yes, they're from EXO & SNSD and they're celebrities but at the end of the day they're only two people, Kim Taeyeon and Byun Baekhyun, who fell in love with the other. It's their choice. If they want to date then date.

Just think about it how K-pop idols' life is - they work their out, have almost no time to relax and they have to keep up the image that they're fine, beautiful and overall perfect. Is it such a bad thing that they want to have love? Like having real love from somebody special to them? Fans can never give them this kind of love. Fans are only fans.

I can't tell you how pissed off I am because of the comments I read related to this news.
1) "I'm not listening to EXO/SNSD anymore"
2) "She/He should find a better woman/man"
3) "They're not compatible with each other"
4) "They should think about their fans"


What are these really?

1) If you don't want to listen to Exo/SNSD anymore it means that you'venever been a real fan. If you're a fan of an artist, you don't love them just because of their appearance, behavior or their relationship status. I'm a fan of Baekhyun (Chen, Chanyeol, Suho...), I really love his voice and his little cute puppy on-screen personality but if he left Exo, I'd still listen to them because I like their music. Music is just music, fans are just fans... See?

2) and 3) They're probably dating because they like the other. It's not like they're in an arranged marriage or something! Yes, it can be that it's one of SM's master tricks (I can't deny that that four months thing and their timing is quite suspicious) but still, they probably found it okay to date because if it was otherwise, they weren't in a relationship. You're disappointed because they're not your OTP? Sorry.

4) And that's the thing which makes me go all out to South Korea and find those stupid fans who say this! No worries, apparently I'm on low budget so you're safe. Because if you're a fan, you can accept this. You're not part of their family, you have nothing to do with their private lifes. I didn't see this coming as well but I can accept it.

Fans should realize that they're just fans. We are only fans. Yes, we play a big part in their work by buying their stuff, listening to their music and voting for them on charts and awards but that's all we can do and all should do. Nothing more. We have no right to say what they can do and what they not. Of course we love them as persons (or more like their images) as well but hey, we're not in the position to decide about their life. We should be happy that they have someone special in their lives whether it's a gimmick or not.

Kpop's biggest mistake and charm in one is that you became attracted to the person sooner and deeper than you'd think - I came to this dangerous conclusion for a while but haven't been brave enough to tell a thing about it until now. Stars are everywhere, they're pretty, talented and perfect everywhere but in my opinion nowhere in the world is music as artist-centered as in South Korea. It may not true - who knows - but that's my opinion. And don't get me wrong, my knees go weak as well when I see my bias group performing and there's nothing in my head but "They're soo~ cool!" and "Look at that ..." BUT I know that they're performers. That's what they have to do, that's their job. I'm their fan, I feel myself emotionally connected to them well that was creepy but I know my limits.

It's incredibly sad and blood-boiling for me to see that there are "fans" who blame and turn away from Taeyeon, Baekhyun, EXO, SNSD. Fans should stop. It's okay that you're upset and feel bad but you know what? Take a deep breath and calm down. If you take your time thinking at least a bit less negative, you'll see that it's unnecessary for you to do this and worse you do bad to the idols you love with it. I seriously hope in a week I won't see more angry and hurtful comments about this case.

Once again for emphasizing:
- idols are people
- they love singing, dancing, MCing, acting, etc and they love their fans but that's only a part of their lives
- fans are important but fans are fans

- being mean don't take you anywhere

That was my little extremely long rant about this "another dating scandal". (Heck why is it a scandal?!)

I'm ready to bingo get mean comments.

Stone me freely.

I have no regrets.


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Liked~ ^^

They have lives. We should respect that. :)
You are my new best friend lol I just posted something like this
The people bashing Baekyeon are just being s plain and simple. Imagine you're walking down the street with the one you love, full of smiles and happiness just being together when all of a sudden some delusional moron comes up to you and starts insulting your relationship. The haters would most likely feel crushed if someone treated them like that wouldn't they? So why treat someone else like crap because they're in a relationship? It's a horrible thing to do just utterly despicable and nasty behavior.

I don't care if I get hate for this...but you Baekhyun or Taeyeon haters need to sit down and SHUT THE HECK UP. Nobody likes fans like you. You don't deserve any sympathy or respect. If you treat someone like crap expect to be treated the same way.

Thank you for being a logical fan about this dear ^^ The fandoms need more fans like you around.