Girls' Style Application

AFF Information

AFF Username: kissmebeauty

Profile Link:

Basic Profile


Name: Kwon Eun Mi Adaline

Nickname(s): Eunnie, Mimi, Chubbi Mi

DOB: 18/10/1996

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Birthplace: Washington DC, USA

Nationality: Korean/Vietnamese

Height: 165cm

Weight: 45kg

Language(s) Spoken: Korean, Vietnamese, English

Ulzzang Used: Seo Ji Hye

Backup Ulzzang: Song Ah Ri



Personality: (As interesting as possible / As detailed as possible)

Family: Dad: Kwon Daeho, 49, Owner of a small restaurant, Likes to spoilt his kids, supports them in whatever they want to do, The best dad in the world

Mum: Lee Yumi, 46, Owner of a small restaurant, Like every other mum, a housewife, taking care of her children, treats her family like treasure

Big Sister: Kwon Yuri, 22, Member of SNSD, The best sister you could ever have, she audition for SNSD, but how famous she still look after her sister

Background/Brief Biography: Eun Mi was born a raised in Washington DC until she was 6 she moved to Korea so her sister Yuri can be a trainee for SMent. Her parents opened a small restaurant to go through the day of boredom, Eun Mi and Yuri likes to go there to help right after school and stuff, when Yuri has finally debut into SNSD, Eun Mi was always there to support her, she never miss out on any performance or concerts, sister love.

Personal Information

Likes: -to eat, -cute plushies, -singing, -playing piano, -ballet

Dislikes: -thunder storms, -any kind of bugs, -drinkers and smokers, -brags, -bullying

Hobbies: -going ballet, -learning different type of instrument, -singing practice, -going shopping for cute plushies for her plushies collection and KPOP stuff.

 Habits: -eat when feeling nervous, -tap fingers on table when thinking really hard, -do the finger thingy in the movie 49 days Korean drama when feeling uncomfortable

Trivia: -blood type: O
-favourite colour: blue
-favourite boy band: a lot
-favourite girl band: heaps
-idol ideal type: No Minwoo (Boyfriend)
-Idol: SNSD

Idol Info

Stage Name: Adaline

Persona: Baby Cheeks

Position: -Lead Vocal / Main Vocal

-Face / Visual Maknae

-Lead Dancer / Main Dancer

Trainee Years: 4-5 Years

How did you audition: (credit to the girl whos singing)
sended an audition video through the net

Trainee Background: well Eun Mi was still young so she was struggling with the traning and practices she had to do, she went through a lot of trouble, at times she wanted to give up but her sister kept modifying her and supporting as well as her parents.

Relationship Means

Best Friend(s): -Oh Ha Young(A Pink), Kang Ji Young(Kara), Jung Krystal( F (x) )

Friends: Bora(Sistar), Boyfriend, Park Jiyeon (T-ara),

Rivals: N/A

Love Interest: No Minwoo (Boyfriend), L/ Kim Myungsoo (Infinite), L.Joe/Lee Byunghun (TeenTop)

How you two met: -Minwoo: We’re from the same company and we’re like best friend has a little crush on him

-L: through music and variety show

-L.Joe: met on a couple variety show

Partner's Personality: -Minwoo: very funny, jokes around a lot, easy to get along, but when he gets serious he looks so COOL & HOT

-L: always has that cold face on him, but hes very sweet and kind

-L.Joe: hes really easy to get along with

Relationship between you two: -Minwoo: Eunmi has a cush on him and he doesn’t it

-L: hes the one Eunmi comes to when she has trouble like a brother

-L.Joe: hes like Eunmi’s brother


Did I miss out anything? :

Nope, but if you need anything just pm me


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