I am Princess Aurora ¦ Kim Yun Hee



Kim Yun Hee



once upon a time


Name ¦ Kim Yun Hee
Nickname ¦ N/A
Date of Birth ¦ 18/10/1994
Place of Birth ¦ Seoul, South Korea
Nationality ¦ Full Korean
Blood Type ¦ O


a girl with moonlight in her eyes


Ulzzang's Name ¦ Baek Sumin/ Yuko
Height ¦ 165cm
Weight ¦ 44kg

Ulzzang's Pictures ¦ 1 2 3 4 5 6
Style ¦ Long blackish brown hair
Backup Ulzzang's Name ¦ Seo Ji Hye
Backup Ulzzang's Pictures ¦
1 2 3


put her hands in mine


Personality & Background ¦

A clear blue sky, a wide green field and lonely white walls surrounding me as I sit by the window looking outside the window seeing how the outside world looks like, the world outside is so cheerful and loud as beside my world is just classed as one word dull. Starting to grow up I was one of those girls, who people classed as an outcast because I was diagnosed with leukaemia when I was 5. I didn’t want to interact with anyone; you could say I was stubborn for a sick girl. I spent over 10 years in the hospital it had became my new home.

Everyday hearing “Honey umma’s here” breaks my heart, my mum would visit me everyday, my dad well he has a business to run and would visit me when he could fit me in his schedule, theres always that feeling I feel that hes avoiding me, ever since 5 he would spend less time with me, he was never there for me when I went through those operation door, or even there for any of my treatment sessions. He drifted so far.

“Unnie, why don’t you go outside to play but just stare through the window like that?” a young girl who shares the same room as me always ask me, I always reply “It’s a habit,” she would always nod and runs off with her friends, I envy her she has the same illness as me but different for her shes cheerful and have friends, I’m just a stubborn and lonely girl.

Likes ¦

  • picking flowers at dawn
  • looking at the sceneries from her window
  • sunset
  • taking photos
  • strawberries
  • the smell of rain

Dislikes ¦

  • thunderstorms
  • loud and chatterbox people
  • spiders or bugs of any kind
  • people who are two face
  • seeing her mum cries

Hobbies ¦

  • folding paper crane when she cant sleep
  • make photo albums with photos she takes
  • plays the piano at the church every night before going to sleep
  • taking photos
  • drawing

Habits ¦

  • sad; lay in bed and wont move
  • will go to the hospitals roof and watch the sceneries every afternoon after taking her meds
  • cant sleep; fold paper crane
  • before bed; play the piano
  • when rain; she will always go and smell it

Trivia ¦

  • she self learn everything, from playing piano, drawing and even folding cranes
  • never had a boyfriend (never talked to a boy except for her brother)
  • her dream is to open a wedding studio
  • shes the youngest in the family
  • her dad is a CEO of a business


and she said she love me so


Love Interest ¦ Chunji from Teen Top

We met ¦ On top of the hospital’s roof, she was sitting on one of the chairs listening to music and Chunji came up to get some fresh air after his daily check up, he went to sit next to Yun Hee and try to make friends but Yun Hee ignore him and so on.


but that was once upon a time


Family ¦

Kim InHo | Father | workaholic, aggressive, role model | Alive

Kim Eun Young | Mother | sweet, caring, lovable | Alive

Kim Daeho | Big Brother | caring, tough, aggressive | Alive

Friends ¦ N/A


very long ago


Comments ¦ I’m sorry if my application is boring or not original but I hope you consider it, chosen or not I will support your story because it sounds really good!

Scene Requests ¦ Maybe one day Chunji comes into Yun Hee’s room and started to sing?


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