
Whenever I talk about Kpop to my dad, you should see the looks he gives me. 

He looks at me like I'm insane, like I should be put into a mental institute. 

You can see the disappointment that washes over his face when I talk about it.

It's like he wants a normal daughter, one who hangs out with friends and goes on dates with boys, one who smokes weed with him.

I feel like he would love me better, be more proud of me, if I went out and got pregnant like my sister did, because teenage pregnancy is something he can understand better than my love for my bands, my music, and my people. 

I don't want to be normal, whatever his definition of "normal" is. 

Everyone has their definition of normal. Why must I accept everyone else's,when no one here with me can accept mine? 

I wish I had a more supportive family. Maybe then I wouldn't feel so alone, so alienated from everyone...



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Dmat17 #1
If he's like most men, the disappointed look is not because you love kpop but because you're talking to him about something he could care less about. Very few men will extend themselves to listen to stuff they don't want to hear. No matter how much they love you. Blatant indifference is usually what you get. I only talk to people who "get me" in the kpop area. Other people have no idea. And yeah, it's lonely as hell. But you always have us. :)
Tell your dad to loosen up a bit, no offence btw.Nothing is wrong with embracing a different culture and you should tell him to be proud of you,because it shows that you are an open-minded person.Liking Kpop can open up doors to many different cultures and before you know it,you are able to appreciate many different cultures and countries ^^ .Music doesn't have any language,as it is international and you should tell everyone that.Why don't you give them an English translation to a Kpop song? The lyrics are quite poetic and flowy,unlike the mainstream English music today :/