This Seems Petty but Oh Well

This is really petty, but I can't handle this anymore. I want someone to talk to about it.

My dad likes to play around a lot, which is fine, but he keeps calling me a different name. 

My middle name is Renee, and my sister's, who I loath, is Elizabeth, and my dad keeps calling me Elizabeth. 

I have four sisters and three brothers. I am the youngest girl and the second youngest child. I have worked my entire life to not be overshadowed by my siblings, and no it hasn't worked whatsoever, but that's what I've done. Now it is petty, but I don't want to be called Elizabeth. I want to have my own identity and the fact that my dad sits there and calls me that, it really gets to me. It shouldn't but it does. My name is Renee, not Elizabeth. It's been this way for 21 years. 

And now, just to spite me, he's going to smoke his weed. He knows I hate that, and I'm always afraid that he's gonna make me fail a drug test if I'm around it. I think I should call his work and have them test, because then he'll realize what he has been doing. I need to go back to my college. That's the only place I feel any type of comfortable. I don't feel like this is my home. I don't belong here. They don't want me here. I'm just tired of being here. I don't think I can hang in there until August...


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Dmat17 #1
Your dad is an . And you're not being petty at all.
Dmat17 #2
Your dad is an . And you're not being petty at all.
This is in no way petty. Quite on the contrary. Not to be respected and acknowledged as your own identity (in your case name) with your own worth is a huge thing. It causes identity dysphoria, depression, anxiety and non-existent self-worth. The fact that they don't acknowledge you with your name and with what /you/ bring with you of successes and failures makes me mad on your behalf.
As for your dad smoking weed, I am disapproving of that so hard. I would tell him to get his together, and yes too, I would call his job to have him tested for drugs. Might give him a scare to get him on track. Though you might want to consider financial stability to that one too.
You're strong for standing this for so long, and kudos to that. But for your own good, go smack some sense into your dad's skull (in a non-violent manner please).

You can do it! Be yourself and be true to you. And do what's best for you <3