How my life as a fan turned out to be...

This is my first ever blog so... please bear with it. I am new at this so please feel free to give me advices on how to improve my writings. Kamsa!


I'll start by telling you how I became one.... It was a normal boring day in my first year high school life. I asked my friends to suggest some songs for me to download and be gone with it. So one suggested Super Junior songs so naturally, I downloaded and the next thing I knew was that I kept repeating it all over again. I became quite addicted to the tune, the rhythm and when that girl showed me their picture, I fell in love with the maknae. Cho Kyu Hyun. The one who started it all. I was a blackjack, I still am, even before I knew SuJu. Ever since that day, I've been into Kpop and two years passed, I got busier than before.  I started thinking of my future and yeah, kinda forgotten my love for Kpop until last year. When a kpopper, my classmate and my closest friend, introduced me to EXO. Her Ultimate Fandom. I asked for new songs and she gave me the latest songs, which was the growl and mama song albums, and I knew... at that exact moment, I can NEVER be able to leave. 


Then my Sehun biased friend showed me a picture of her OTP, ) Luhan... I knew that he was my UB. I couldn't stay away from him or I would only look at him without noticing the other members for days. I remembered when I was freaking speechless to see a very handsome Luhan. Then for months of supporting EXO even when the rumors got worse. Hurt. Pain. Admiration. All of these are what a fan feels when we believe illegit news. Then for me, to cope up... I had to change fandoms for a while. Eventually gettiig back to the original fandom when most of my pain fades. Right now, due to Kris' lawsuit, BaekYeon dating... I knew I had to change fandoms. One cannot simply stand staying away for the first week of the news. It isone of my defense mechanism. To avoid all things that emotionally unstabilizes me and my being. 


Currently distracting myself with Bangtan Sonyeondan, B.A.P, and other fandoms of mine. But I will always be an EXO Girl. Nothing will ever change that. I will always love them no matter how much it hurts to see them injure themselves for their fans, to see them dating another, to see them cry, to see them be someone else... at least I know... I really support them whenever times like these tests me if I am a true fan. I am truly grateful they changed me. To truly understand what a fan is. It's not all about buying their albums, merchandises, go to their concerts, seeing them in fan meetings. It's all about being able to support them with all your heart even if it breaks you apart. I've been into this situation for more than I can count and I truly am grateful that they came into my oh-so-boring life. 


My life as a fan girl made me realize that this is where I'm meant to be. It made my life much bearable and more happy than it ever was. It inspired, more likely motivated, me to be the person I am today. I'm the type of fan girl, or just a normal girl that is, that couldn't move on for a short period of time. All I can do is to just go with the flow but always seem to resist the flow. Refusing the change or the turn of events. Call me crazy but this is me we are talking about. The me who changed for the better. I maybe overdosed with kpop but I still have a life to live. One full of reality. I refuse to accept reality if I don't have all the facts straight. 


I miss the OT12. I miss them every freaking day but the hurt and pain is still fresh. I needed time to heal. I've cried a lot of times in this era... too many to count... So it's your time to choose. Will you turn your back on the group that changed you so much or will you fight for them? Fight for what we think is right. I don't or will not judge you for your opinions. I just want you guys to hear me out and of course, to hear you and your opinions on this subject. 


Remember, only You can make your life a better place when you know where you stand. Take care guys! And always... ALWAYS think before you act. Once you made the decision, there is no turning back. You'll have to get the best of it and live with it. 



♡♥《Jung Chan Young》♥♡



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