
I'M SO FRICKIN HAPPY FOR THEM!!!! I love Taeyeon. I love Baekhyun. Two individuals that I admire as people and as artists are dating, and I wish them the best! 

I'm just really upset and annoyed with this mess of a fandom.

The issue is not their relationship, but rather, the so-called "fans" that have turned their backs on these amazing people. I'm upset that EXO and SNSD lost a huge chunk of their respective fanbases all because people cannot handle the fact that two people are in love. Stop saying that you're disappointed because "they didn't think of the fans." Sure, EXO's and SNSD's popularity and everything basically depends on the fans, but that does not give you the right to dictate how they should live. Telling someone how to live and act according to your standards is inconsiderate and selfish, and being on the receiving end of that is irritating and saddening. People can't choose who they fall in love with. And trying to tell people who and who not to love is incredibly rude and ignorant. Honestly, I'm almost glad that so many people left their fan café, because it shows that hopefully most of who remained is a true fan of EXO and won't let a simple romantic relationship ruin how they perceive the bands. It seems that we're the mature ones, for the most part. Also, maybe this means we have a higher chance of getting EXO and SNSD concert tickets. Kidding, of course!

I'm also really mad because the author of one of my favorite fics is going on hiatus because of this whole thing. Her reasons are, in my opinion, totally delusional and ridiculous. Basically, she hopes they break up so that she can be a happy BaekYeol shipper. So selfish! Sorry girl, you're a great writer but COME ON. You've earned an unsubscriber. SMH.

Many are saying things like "yeah I know they're real people with real feelings but (something objecting to ByunTae)." Let me translate: "Yes, idols are human like us, but because I love Tae/Baek so dearly I cannot let this couple be together because I don't like it/he or she is my bias/i'm a (ship name) shipper." Yeah, you know they're human, but you don't care because your thoughts and feelings are by far the most important. Your happiness is sooooo much more important than the happiness of others. That's like getting mad at the person next in line for getting a steak because you're a vegetarian. Taeyeon and Baekhyun care deeply for their fans, but they don't cater to each fan's shipping or bias preferences. Just freaking stop and mind your own damn business, okay?

BE MATURE ABOUT THIS PLEASE. Don't hate on Taeyeon. Don't hate on Baekhyun. Just deal with it. You can continue writing fanfiction. IT'S OKAY. YOU'RE FICS ARE FICTIONAL AND I LIKE TO CONSIDER THEM TO BE DIFFERENT UNIVERSES FROM REALITY. Look at me, I still have Kris in my story even though he's kind of out of the picture now. And I intend on keeping him in until the role I've been planning for the past few months is fulfilled. So don't let this shatter your inspiration. Keep writing and stay classy.





We seem to admire idols to the point at which they are no longer human to us. Maybe we revere them as gods, but we treat them like objects. We treat them as if they are our possessions, as if we can actually control how they should feel and behave. Let's stop with this. Stop objectifying others just because you view them as more or less of a human being. Instead, treat them like normal, everyday people. They already have little to no privacy and are bombarded with criticism on a daily basis, so let's just treat them normally. Before you say anything about or to these idols, put yourself into their shoes and ask yourself how you'd feel in that same situation. When it comes to dealing with other people, let empathy guide your words and actions.


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swag bae. good job