What i feel.

I'm tired. Tired of crying, thinking about it all over again and in everything.

I can't handle this kind of situation.

I feel so weak. :(

My heart is still aching.

Its so hard accept the fact that they're really dating but I think I just need a break.

Yes, break from being a Baekhyun stan but I can't.

I know he's in pain right now like us (fans) and we should hold him and comfort him.

But it hurts so much and I don't know what to do.

went out last last day and yesterday to have fun. I bought things that'll make me happy but its no use. I'm still in pain.

People should stop calling us over-acting and immatures ect.

ou don't have any idea what we feel. We're in pain. We don't need criticize. We need your hug and comfort. I thought "we are one" right?


Byun Baekhyun stans,

although Baekhyun made a mistake, we shouldn't hate him. Yes, he broke his promise but please don't hate him. He's only a person who can do a mistake. He's not perfect, he has flaws too. Time will heal the pain.


Baekhyun stans, lets support him no matter what happens. He need us now. Our comfort and love.



- Bbaekhhyun


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What mistake did he make? o.O
LoveSalang #2
I think that many say "Over-reacting" Or "emotional" Because they do not understand. I am not an exo-stan, but i am an elf. I Grew up with kpop and my younger relatives now love it as well. I understand the struggles and as an elf i promise to be here to help you or any one else who seems to be having difficulties. I Had to go through the struggle of explaining to a 6yr old boy why his favorite 12 member group is now 11. As fans in general we need to support our idols in both ups and downs, But we are not alone. There are many fans and we will not only help support them but also help support each other. As your new friend, im here if you need anything okay?