Pissed off and for all the wrong Reasons!

Guess what one of my ships is real! It might not be my OTP but it's real.

i should be ing happy! Over the ing moon and back!

well I'm not.

do you wanna know why?

im not happy because of all the bull revolving around it. As expected when an idol is dating some fans leave.

taeyeon is getting bashed by Exotics which I'm not surprised by because a lot of them we Delulu.

it gets worse. Not only is she getting bashed by the exo stans, she's getting bashed by the people who claimed to love her so much.

Taeyeon out of everyone in SNSD is probably one of the ones that gives the most to us Sones. Now they're calling her a liar and a betrayer because she tells the sones she loves them. Which is what every single member of snsd says to us a lot.

now Taeyeon feels the need to apologize to these so called "fans" for hurting us.

i just wanna say this:

Taeyeon don't ever say sorry for being with someone you care about. If you have feelings for him then that is, dare I say it, Gods will. You be happy and bask in your relationship and the sones who truly love and care about snsd will support you until the end. You pour your heart out for the ones you love and the ones who love you back will surely do the same in the only way they know how. By supporting you. 

The same goes for everyone in snsd. You dedicated the youth you could've spent finding the ones you love and living your life with ease, to us sones who love seeing you perform. The ones who are concerned when they see someone isn't smiling.

im not sure if I speak for most sones. But I know I speak for myself when I say that the idea of all of you dating excites me and makes me happy.

anyway congrats to the adorkable couple. Somewhere in the back of my head I knew that if Taeyeon were to date anyone, one of them would definitely be Baekhyun.

4 down, 5 to go. I wonder who's next? I hope it's Seohyun!


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shining_writer #1
Sones are not angry at Taeyeon dating, they are angry at the secret messages. And yes, I agree that it isn't a sin for idols to date. Sometimes I wish that idols didn't have to depend on the 'fan's love' to survive because that kind of love is unhealthy