Just stop for a while

I need EXO to remember that they're not "Super Stars" yet.

all this drama with Kris and now Baek's doing stuff is a bot too much. lol

normally groups that are still newish should keep a good image for a while but EXO's kinda just let go and got comfy.

and I love them alot but I'm not going to blindly nod my head when I see stuff I don't really llike.

and I really hate when Entertainments do the "They are reflecting and thinking about their actions."

He was drinking, and he's underage. That's not a slap on the wrist kinda thing! 

That doesn't mean they'll stop, they are celebrites, they can get whatever they want if they ask enough!

IDK, Maybe i'm just too uptight and in my ways but I just don't like it. :P


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