
I had to say something about this, okay?  So because of the recent Taeyeon and Baekhyun relationship being confirmed, some "fans" have been angry.  They have been calling Taeyeon a on her instagram, and I'm assuming other sort of social media.

Guys, you may be angry.  Heartbroken.  But there is no need to take it out on Taeyeon.  Just accept it.  Obviously, if you cannot let them be happy, you do not love Baekhyun as much as you thought you did. 

Take your anger out on your pillow.  Just beat the crap out of that pillow.  But the poor pillow did nothing.  So that would make as much sense as harrassing Taeyeon about it. 

Just breathe in

Breathe out

And let Baekhyun have his happiness, as well as Taeyeon. 

Tsk, tsk, tsk....

Okay, uh-bye...


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I totally agree with u!