i really didn't mean it.

hello, it seems as though i am too blunt in my words or express myself in a harsh manner in my previous post to the point where i might have hurt someone's feelings. in conjuction to that, this is my apology. for my previous post, my previous previous post, my most previous previous previous post, also all my other old previous posts. i wouldn't know that i hurt someone else's emotions. after all, i'm just some who rants out s that probably is immature and rude. like how i point my fingers to others. i'm sorry, i suppose i was so busy pointing fingers that i didn't realise mine was dirty.

i'm sorry for being rude, for being immature, for being harsh and for being inconsiderate with my choice of words. i would not write anything anymore now. maybe i'll just focus on my updates instead and also moving away. i still have a lot to pack and a lot to worry. i'm sorry if you were hurt by my words from my previous posts regarding all the issues going on. i'm sorry that you befriended a like me, haha. and as people in my life had labelled me, i am sorry for being an .

i didn't know that my thoughts would actually harm someone's feeling when i specifically stated if you could not handle harsh words to discontinue your read. i guess, my opinions always made people full of curiousity only to have earn themselves a smack on the face or something. i'm sorry i hurt your feelings and your judgement in every aspects of life. i just thought that maybe nobody would read my posts because my thoughts usually didn't matter since i am an and nobody listens or, in this case, reads an ' thoughts or opinions.

i am sorry for being mean, for the amount of cussing put in my posts and also, for maybe, hurting your feelings by my thoughts.

i don't think i should post anything more seeing that i would hurt someone in the process. i don't like hurting someone else's emotions because the guilt eats me up so i guess, i'll focus on updating my stories and roleplaying instead and let the issue die down. thank you for reading. and again, i am sorry for my behaviour and immaturity of speaking my mind out and hurting the feeling's of others. i never meant to do that but i did, and i feel bad so i'll just go on my shut up mode. thank you again.


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islebora #1
True what @dream_keeper88 said and please come back, yes?
It's not good practice to take back what you said. But we also need to take responsibility with our words. Yes, you may have pushed some buttons but it doesn't make your post any less true. Come on, users here are being immature about the issue. We are not asking them to ship the couple. That ship has already sailed, so regardless of their feelings and opinions regarding the matter, that ship has sailed. It's not your problem that they feel bad for being immature brats. I sound callous but hey, some things are meant to be said.