Taeyeon and Baekhyun Dating

First of all congrats to both of them :)

It's good to see that Taeyeon is dating someone and it is probably widely known how much of a fan Baekhyun is and how much he likes her.



I just went to the Exo tag on tumblr because I was curious (I don't follow that tag anymore and I barely follow any other Kpop blogs anymore. Unfollowed nearly all of them) and hol the things I read there.


I laughed so hard at the fest that was going on there.


Some fans really have to learn to grow up. Bla bla bla, I know that some are like 13 or 14 but that doesn't matter at all because there are mature 13/14 years old who don't go all "OMG NOOOO BAEKHYUN OPPAR IS DATING!! TAEYEON YOU STUPID !"

Besides, I bet that those kids never dated before and I ask myself why they are getting oh so worked up over this (I know why they are getting worked up over this. Oppar is dating and they can't fullfil their fantasies anymore by shipping him with another guy or themselves because oppar doesn't belong to them anymore).


Seriously, it's just pathetic and laughable how some fans behave and spam Taeyeon's and Baekhyun's IG with hate mails and whine how they should not date.


It's life. Grow up for who knows sake.


Luckily there are enough fans who support this couple and wish them every best they can get^^


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Lmao, fortunately, some people I follow on twitter are sane and it's been a long time since I open my tumblr too. It's sad how fans react, whether it's in korean or internationally. And they clearly affext both Taeyeon and Baekhyun. He didnt smile like before and became more quite.

p.s: what i hate the most is when they said "it's better for your bias leaving than your bias dating" like, WTF. I would personally prefer my bias dating than leaving. You wont be able to endure all the hurt and pain from all sides. But whatever..
Just to clarify one thing, although I am not 100% sure but it seems that fans are not angry because they are dating, its because of taeyeon gave fan's gift to baek and they send secret message to each other on instagram that looks like they were sending the message to fans. Korean fans are angry because they think that baekyeon were playing with their feelings and they demand apologies from baekhyun which his fans deserve.
SeoKyung #3
i'm really happy for them, and every other idol couples. but what i just dont understand is the fact that fans really acts different between the other couples (like tiffany and nickhun) and this two. they received so many hate words from fans, are they even their fans? i know they are hurt and bla bla.. but they are human too and it is humanly to like and date a person. fans are really scary, even their fame can be fading because of their anger or their hate. i'm sad with the news that some fans even told baekhyun (or shout at him?) at the broadcast place, can they tried to stay calm or stay neutral if they didnt want to support them? can they just accept it?
weird_fellaf #4
Nah. I hope that you didn't think of me wrongly just because of age, okay? I just feel like, oh, hello? Few other members of SNSD also confirmed to date, but it isn't received that poorly. So why that Taeyeon and Baekhyun dating makes such a fuss? I'm surprised, yes. But I didn't make such a ruckus about that. I'm wondering just when will some fans have some conscience about their actions, now. The stories about them that my sis told me makes me scared, really. Fans these days are so scary and some of them are too mindless. Forgive my words, but I can't think about another matching words for the situations. I really feel sorry for the two of them after my sis told me some things. If they dislike them, and didn't want to congratulate them, then at least just stay neutral. Don't just go to the hating side. Is it that hard?
Arcadian-Warrior #5
Ditto . It's quote unfortunate to see people get so emotionally invested that they aren't able to differentiate between reality and their little made-up fantasies .
I love the jokes on baekhyun's bike though xD
They're gold hahahaha
I guess that's better than hating and sobbing about it, right?
I'm happy for the new couple but I kinda get why those fans would do that...I mean they're like 10, they don't have experience dating lol...it's delusional yes, but Kpop kinda sets them updor it when groups do fan service and fan girls who are young and immature totally eat it up.

I had no idea a fest was happening cause I've been on vacation in Greece lol so I only heard when my exo Stan friend messaged me lol XD poor exo and their fandom...they've had so many scandals this year
I am also so happy for both of them. I just can't understand fans that can say something like: "Baekhyun oppa, I love you but I'm so disappointed in you. I won't be fan of exo anymore". I mean like.. wtf..
and I also see lot of delusional fans saying that it's all set up by SM and blabla.. that's just so wrong. There's a limit in being delusional.
I think it's really saddening to see both of them apologizing for loving and dating each other . As much as it's their job to be loved by everyone as an idol, it's only humane for them to love someone else. I hope everyone will come to accept them and love them as people :)
teddiursas #10
My same age friends, grow up for crying out loud ;________;

sujushineeroc #11
Yeah I really think they could work really well. I've never heard of Taeyeon being in a relationship and after the great career that SNSD have had and the fanbase they've worked so hard to gain, I think they deserve to let go a litte bit and explore their personal lives a bit more. It's cool because Tiffany and Nickhun are dating, so I'm glad that more SNSD members are opening up to that possibility. I think it's a pity that some fans can be guaranteed to speak up against an idol when they start to date-it doesn't make sense to me that a fan should be upset that their favored idol is finding some happiness of their own in their personal lives. Its not as if idols aren't human beings with human needs. But I'm glad to know that you all think it's cool that they are together and wish them well. I think they're quiet a cute couple actually and I hope it works out for the best.
flowerywinter #12
I am shipping the both of them so much HAHAHA.
Baek and Taeyeon are adorable! I'm so happy for them :)
i'm happy for them :) but like i don't know if i can really believe the fact that they're dating though. Yesterday, they were announced to be dating, but also, yesterday it was announced that Kris was going to film a chinese movie.