Baekhyun and Taeyeon dating?! Sooo what? RANT AHEAD~

so obviously its been going around that Baekhyun and Taeyeon are dating. WHATTT?????


But actually my real response to that is so what?

like come on guys we all know that it was bound to happen eventually. i even herd they have been dating for awhile

do i understand why some of you are sad? yes because it stung abit to be honest because he is one of my top biases. but am i upset about it? alittle.

am i going to go on a crying rampage and justforget about exo as a whole? Hell no!

at the end of the day Taeyeon is who Baekhyun wants and we are all going to have to it up and accept it and deal with it. 

as any fan should be happy for him and happy just because oppa is happy.

im happy for my man and will be happy for their relationship and hope the best for them.

well yes just wanted to get that off my chest because i felt like i needed to get the point across that its his life and he will choose who he wants. and aparently that is Taeyeon.


byebye guys~ 

comment below what you think about the situation^^


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roselain #1

I ve been looking into the baektae relationship a lot and..
I cant help but have my doubts.. Isnt this.. Too perfect?
Its weird but.. We all know how SMent makes cheap dirty tricks, im no SMent hater but i really cant help my doubts...

Like if you go to allkpops meme center you will find few memes like this;

And once you read that u cant help but kinda doubt it..
Some fans are just..... uuuugggghhh......
sabirinia #3
I dropped the news on my friends who are strong Exotics and they couldn't believe it. XD I'm not a big fan of either groups, but I agree with you. If they are happy, why the hate? I wouldn't mind if my bias dated anyone. It's their life.
roselain #4
Wat? They date XD?

Wow i support their relationship!
kennocha #5
Dear Baekhyun and Taeyeon, I support your relationship!!!!:D
WHOOT!!! I SHIP ByunTae!!!!!! ik they have their other ship, but it just im stuck on this one XDDD