do i have any followers in Japan?

My best friend is in Tokushima,  and she's in trouble. She's in an abusive relationship and sent out an email saying he's made her quit her job, deleted her Facebook,  and she said he might kill her.


I am on the east coast of the United States,  there's nothing I can do from here. If there's anyone there who knows what to do, message me. Or if anyone else knows what I can do, I don't want her to be hurt. I'm freaking out. It may already be too late.  


edit: I have emailed her mother and the us embassy in tokyo, but I dont know what her mum can do from Florida,  ans its one in the morning there in japan, so I cant call them. 


Edit 2: her mother knows what's going on and had said things have calmed down for now. I k know it's only a matter of time before this happens again,  but I'm not as scared for the moment. 


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i hope your friend will be ok. i have friends in japan, but none in that area unfortunately. before it gets to this intense level again and have your friend contact the authorities or do it yourself if she can't. she also needs to find a friend nearby (or maybe in a different city) to stay with for the time being so she isn't near him.