Help me to do. Its for my project!

Hey Guys,

Can you help me by doingt his survey? You can just comment the answers below. Idk how to make an online survey. TT sorry techgrandma here. 

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Survey Questions


We are a group of students from Saint Andrew’s Junior College carrying out research for our Project Work. This survey will only take a few minutes. Thank you for taking time to do our survey.

Please answer questions 1-8 by ticking in the relevant boxes () , 9-10 in short sentences and 11 by circling the option.






  1. In which of these age groups do you fall under?




  1. How many hours in a day do you spend using your smartphone?

 1-2 hours

3-5 hours

 6-10 hours

 More than 10 hours


  1. What are the main reasons why you use your smartphone? (you may tick more than one)

Taking photographs

 To use social media, e.g. Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

 To play games

 Chatting (messaging, calling, etc) with friends and family

 Reading online newspapers, comics and books

 Use applications like Skype, Whatsapp, Telegram etc

 Others, please specify: ________________________________________________


  1. What do you think has given rise to the popularity of smartphones in Singapore? (You may tick more than one)

Improvements in technology

Influence from peers


Attractive advertising strategies used by phone service providers

Increase in affordability

Others, please specify: ________________________________________________


  1. Which of the following do you think is the most significant positive impact smartphones have brought about on teenagers? (You may choose more than one option)

 Gives access to a world of information readily

 Smartphone applications, such as games and social media serve as a form of entertainment

 Smartphone applications, such as social media and communication applications, such as Skype, allows the maintenance of long distance relationships and ease of communication between friends and family

 Others, please specify: ______________________________________________________________


  1. Which of the following do you think is the most significant negative impact smartphones have brought about on teenagers? (You may choose more than one option.)

Face-to-face interaction is compensated

High risk of gaming addiction, social media addiction

Acts a source of distraction from work and education

Gives rise to health problems such as, worsening of eye sight

 Others, please specify: ________________________________________________


  1. Are there any existing solutions that caters to the negative impacts you have chosen? (Please circle one option)

Yes (proceed to question 9) / No


  1. Are there any existing solutions that caters to the positive impacts you have chosen? (Please circle one option)

Yes (proceed to question 10) / No



  1. If yes, are they effective in reducing the current negative impacts?

Yes (proceed to question 11 (a) ) / No (proceed to question 12 (a) )

  1. If yes, are they effective in further enhancing the current positive impacts?

Yes (proceed to question 11 (b) ) / No (proceed to question 12 (b) )


  1. Why are they effective?


  1. ______________________________________________________________


  1. ______________________________________________________________


  1. Why are they ineffective?

  1. _____________________________________________________________


  1. ______________________________________________________________


  1. If an event was to be organized to address the impacts of smartphone usage, which one would be the most appealing to you? Rate each option from a scale of 1 to 5, by circling the number (1 being the least appealing and 5 being the most appealing)


Social Media Website        1   2   3   4   5

Amazing Race                   1   2   3   4   5

Exhibition                           1   2   3   4   5

Smartphone application     1   2   3   4   5

Carnival                              1   2   3   4   5

Campaign                           1   2   3   4   5

Role-playing game              1   2   3   4   5

Others, please specify: ________________________________________________

We thank you for your participation!



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I did it already lol
I don't use smart phone o.O
MLovesU #3
1. 18-19
2. 3-5 hours
3. all ( at others: to watch movies, listen to music)
4. Improvements in technology, Influence from peers, Attractive advertising strategies used by phone service providers
5. Smartphone applications, such as social media and communication applications, such as Skype, allows the maintenance of long distance relationships and ease of communication between friends and family
6. High risk of gaming addiction, social media addiction, Acts a source of distraction from work and education, Gives rise to health problems such as, worsening of eye sight,
9. no
12.b. Because people do not like to be told what to do even if they know that what they hear is the truth so they will find a way to go with things as they like
13. 1,1,3,1,1,5,4

This is it ^^
Hope it is helpful!
Female, 13-15, 6-10 hours, all except others, improvement in technology, all + the ability to learn something new and learn to interact with other people around the world, addiction and distraction, yes, maybe, idk what so i'll skip to number 3: 5/3/3/4/3/3. I hope this can help you well :)
BeautifulRain #5
Female || 18-19 || 3-5 || 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6 || 1; 3; 4 || 1; 2; 3 || 1; 3; 4 || Oh gosh, I don't know about the rest~ I'm sorry://
Nila Xoxo
how i want to answer it ? haha ^^