My Weird Boyfriend

Hani POV


I'm calling Sehun. My boyfriend. I want to ask he for our plan today.

He is playing game. Full of attention.

"Sehun!" happy face

"oit!" not smiling 

"woi!" move his body(tapping)

"yah!" throwing pillow

"baby!!"  started have wrinkle
And last.. Pulling his hair. XD

"Yahhhh!!!!" he groan in pain. 

"Did you listening?!"

"Of course! I'm not deaf!"

Aish!! This guy!! (keep pulling his hair)

"Yah apoh(pain)!!"

"Okayyy! Sorry baby,honey!!"

I release my hand. He keep looking at the mirror.

"Yes,my sweetheart?" he sitting beside me.

"What is our plan today? Since today is Sunday."

Sehun blank. 

"Bubble tea date?" 

"Bubble tea date again??" i hoping for another answer.

He nod. 

"Then I don't want go..!"

He shaking my arm and lean on my shoulder.

"Fine!" i go to change nice clothes. 

>>Haru cafe

Sehun POV

We choose the seat near the window.

Someone take our order.

"2 chocolate bubble tea. 2 cheese crepes. That's all." 

"Ok" the employee

I stare at Hani. 


"You look pretty today."

"I know it."

"That's all?! You should say 'ah!really??thank you oppa! Saranghae!' ..."

"Oh ok! Araseo! OPPA!" she shout at me.

"Really different.. weird girlfriend..! but I still like you although you're violent" 

"You are more weird!! although you make me crazy, I still like you."

Yes, our confession love is weird.

She look at the view. Her side view is really pretty.

"Yehet!" bubble tea arrive

Me quickly drink it. The crepes arrive too. 

She feed me the crepe.

"Are you on diet? Although you don't want gain weight,you should not throw it to me." (but I still eating what she feed)

We finished it and went to shopping at Myoungdong. 


Hani POV

We're holding hand. Enter cloth shop. 

"Should we buy this?" pointing at the couple sweater.

"No~I think we should buy this." he pointing at couple undergarment.

Me blushing. 

"Don't make joke" i hit his arm

"I'm serious ok! We can wear it when go for a trip at beach. We also can wear it to
swimming during summer" 

I ignore him. I choosing skirt. Finally, one short skirt caught my attention . I going to try it.

Sehun suddenly snatch the short skirt that I holding.

"Too short..Too y..I don't like it..Try this." give me a long skirt.

"Fine!" I try it on. Its beautiful. 

"See! My choice always the best.." 

He paid it. 



He paid for the undergarment too!

He told me the that short skirt is too short and y. 

But he bought the undergarment..


We went out the shop. Enter a accessories shop.

He looking for sunglasses. 

"Why did buy sunglasses? Winter is soon. Don't waste your money." *the sunglasses is expansive*

"Every season,not! Is everyday there are many girls looking at me. So I need it. Its hurt my eyes(those girls). Except you. Only you can look at me..!" he smirk.


"Don't always said FINE..change 'okay! Good choice! I always on your side!
oppa is the best!" he teaching me aegyo. Since he good at aegyo.

"Geurae oppa!!" studied his aegyo. (like want to punch myself)

"Good student!" he show thumb up to me.

Went back home. I mean he send me back. 

"Nah!Take this!" giving me the undergarment. (blushing)

I take the undergarment paper bag.

"You might like seeing me shirtless right?" what kind of question is this ? !

I quiet and ignore him.

He pull me closer to him. I pushing him. He grab my waist. Tightly. 

And peck a kiss on my lips.

Wide my eyes. o.o bigger and bigger.

He laugh.

"Goodnight! Don't aegyo in front of me." kiss my forehead.

He went back.

Don't aegyo in front of me. He is the person who teach me aegyo. And I not aegyo in front of him, just wide my eyes.



Receive a call from him..

"Hani! Do you know where is my underwear?Or...Did you steal my underwear?"

"Its is in your drawer. and!! why do i want steal it??"

"Its difficult to say..But..Oh I know! You miss me so you would steal it!"


"Maybe in future..I got it!!" end it like this.

Why do I have a weird boyfriend?? (sigh) 


He is too high quality(handsome) heart is melting.. 

I send Sehun a messages.

'Saranghae Sehun!!'

And he reply

'See!! I told you that you might be steal my underwear in future.I'm always right'

'Anyway, Saranghae Hani'

Just weird. I can't explain it..

→ END ←


Sorry for my broken English and wrong grammar ㅠ.ㅠ





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