My Guardian Angel (Lee Mei Ting)

Lee Mei Ting



APPLICANT. Mingmingmingminggyu
ACTIVE RATE [1-10]. 9.3

FULL NAME. Lee, Mei Ting
BIRTHDATE. 10/26/1996 (17 years old)
BIRTH PLACE. San jose, ca, usa
ETHNICITY. chinese
LANGUAGES. English (fluent), Cantonese (fluent-taught by parents), Korean (semi-fluent-parents made her take classes *see history*)

this is me

PERSONALITY: She is shy when you first meet her. She'll want to give you a good first impression, so she will be standing up as straight as she can and being as polite as possible. However, once you get to know her, she is fun and loves a good joke. She is very blunt and straightforward. She is brutally honest and says things that others wouldn't just because it would hurt someone's feelings. However, she does stretch the truth occassionally to her advantage. Overall, she is depressed. However, she likes to keep a happy image. She's scared to show her feelings and hides it with a smile. Sometimes life just catches up to her though and she gets grumpy and wants to be alone. Depending on what mood she is in, she can be the nicest or meanest person in the world. When she's in a good mood, she is extremely helpful and caring. When she's in a bad mood, she'll lock herself in her room and throw something at whoever disturbs her. Because of this behavior, she seems bipolar.
She is insecure about herself and, while some think she is being modest, she doesn't accept compliments because she believes that she isn't good enough. She knows that there will always be someone who is better than her and it lowers her self confidence by a lot. Most people see her as a happy-go-lucky kind of girl (at times), but she actually views the world as an extremely dark place. She likes to talk and hear about death and murder and toruture and some have even called her a sadist before.
She is stubborn and impatient. She gets frustrated easily and sometimes yells at people if she gets too annoyed. She is persistent and it is hard to change her mind about anything. When she is nice and happy, it doesn't mean she is bubbly. She is never bubbly and doesn't get overexcited about things. She respects people that respect her and cowers under those she knows she cannot defeat.
HISTORY: She grew up with strict parents and never felt the unconditional love that some may have. She grew up with the idea that she has to be the best and she has to become a doctor or a lawyer. She grew up sheltered and antisocial. She was the only asian in her school and was often looked down on becasue of it. It didn't help that she was what they called the "typical asian." She got good grades, she was good at art, she was good at piano, and she did martial arts. Although she had some friends, they never really connected with her. She was bullied a lot at school, both physically and mentally, but no one ever knew except her and her bullies. There were many who knew her and knew her real side. They knew she was fun and could be nice and caring, but chose to ignore it because they also knew how she liked death and torture and could be mean. Also, their parents started comparing them to her and told them to work harder. They didn't like that. The only "real friend" she ever had was her next door neighbor. He was also asian, and they bonded over the similarities in their lives. However, he died in a car crash. Her parents made her take Korean lessons, but she didn't know why. She eventually became fluent in the language, although she had pronunciation problems here and there. Once she was fluent, her parents shipped her off to a private school in Korea because it "is a good school and would be a good experience for her." 
Lee Ming Teen | 53 | cardiologist | father | strict, logical, work oriented, straightforward
Lee Yook Ming | 46 | neurosurgeon | mother | same as father: strict, logical, work oriented, straightforward
Simon Im (Im Sang Beom) | would be 16 | n/a | friend | silly, caring, humorous | also, he's dead
• Likes: Bubble tea, pandas, cantopop, kpop, piano, totoro, pokemon
• Dislikes: crowded places, thunder/lightning, school, herself, wearing dresses
• She has OCD. She needs everyhing to be straight and neat, or she will go crazy.
• Fears: failure, heights, germs, bugs, spiders, natural disasters, birds, falling, knives, guns, fighting, paralysis
• She hates it when people touch her and believes it is possible for her to get a disease if someone even barely brushes against her on the street.
• She fears everyone and thinks they will very possibly come up to her and punch her or hold her at gunpoint.
• She thinks that it doesn't matter whether she dies now or later because she'll die eventually
• Playing the piano helps her relieve stress.
• She believes that everyone cares for themselves more than they care about others and that it is a fact of life.
• When she dies, she wants to be cremated and put into a shoe box. The shoe box will go into the ground. She doesn't believe in expensive coffins or urns. She doesn't want a funeral because it would cost too much money.
• Because her parents have an age difference of 7 years, she doesn't care how old the guy she ends up with in life is.
• She is 168 cm and 49 kg.

MY Immortal

HOW DID SHE GET INTO A COMA: Her life was too much for her and she tried to hang herself. She was stressed out with all the work she was given and living in a new country and speaking the language was stressful too. Her roommate found her in time and brought her into the hospital.
WHY STAY: She doesn't want to stay. She would much rather die, which is why she tried to commit suicide. However, she rethought her choices and decided staying would be better. She saw how beat up Simon's parents were when he died and doesn't want her parents to worry like that on the offchance they actually care.
SPECIAL ABILITIES: Telepathy (ability to read someone's thoughts or transfer their thoughts into someone else's mind), Telekinesis (ability to move things with their mind)


LOVE INTEREST. L.Joe from teen top
BACK UP. Sehun from exo



PERSONALITY: He is very straightforward with people and loves to joke around. He hates it when people make fun of him and can often be violent and threaten them if they go too far. He is insecure about his height. He doesn't usually help people unless he really needs to and he is really lazy. He tries to act really cool, but in reality he gets scared easily and falls on the ground a lot. He tries to act tough, but he is really weak. He is confident in everything and also up for a challenge. He doesn't go by the saying "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" and just speaks his mind. He never thinks of the consequences until he actually does something, often slapping himself because of his stupidity.

RELATIONSHIP: they didn't know each other personally before, but he was her idol. She looked up to him. She loved him and, although she wasn't as dedicated and crazy as most fans, she still took the time to watch some of their shows and watch their music videos. He panicked the first time he saw her in angel form because she surprised him in his room. Then, after the shock, he was curious as to who she was and why she looked like that.  He treats her nicely after he finds out what she is there for. Their relationship develops into one where they see each other as brother/sister but they act like a couple. He really sees her as his younger sister and feels the need to protect her even though she is a guardian angel. There is a friendly atmosphere between them and it is usually happy unless one is having a particularly hard day.

TELL MY YOUR WISH: She must help him find his one true love. He was always a big believer of becoming someone's prince charming and he wants his fairytale ending to become a reality. Actually, when he first told her this, she laughed and asked him if he wanted to live in a big ice castle too. when he was growing up, he dreamed of marriage and happiness like how girls dream to become a princess.

COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/CONCERNS/ANYTHING I MISSED?.  Just wondering... So if they are guardian angels does that mean only other guardian angels and the guy they are helping can see them or can others see them too? If nobody else can see them i think it would be funny if they were doing something together (for ex: holding hands) and someone saw him and thought he was crazy. Good luck and i hope you like her. Also, if you think she's young, we can change her age, but i'd rather not because I think it shows that you can have problems at a young age too (and also I added in the part about age difference in the trivia because of some people are opposed to it so i wanted to explain why she doesn't care)
PassworD (jason chen's best friend)








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