〈「50 Ways of No 」〉 ━ Park, Jimin

Ming / 4.8
• Clean freak: called this by Jiyun because she is one
Brain: called this by many because she is always studying


>> BIRTHDAY - October 17, 1995
>> BIRTHPLACE - Busan, South Korea
>> HOMETOWN - Seoul, South Korea

>> ETHNICITY - Korean
>> LANGUAGE SPOKEN - Korean (fluent, native language); English (fluent, studied hard to pass the TOEIC/Peniel helped teach her); Cantonese (basic, random words picked up from watching tvb)
>> FACE CLAIM - Lee Yoobi
>> BACK UP - Hyemi (Fiestar)

>> WEIGHT - 119 lbs, 54 kg
>> HEIGHT - ≈ 5'4", 164 cm

She has long hair (it goes down to her lower back) that is really thick, so she rarely ever ties her hair up. She has a birthmark on her nape and has glasses for reading the board in class (because she likes to sit in the back). Both of her ears have been pierced since she was a child, but she only occassionally wears earrings so that the hole doesn't close up.
Jimin is a very simple girl and all she needs are skinny jeans/jeggings, converse, socks, hoodies, and a camisole to wear underneath the hoodie. She practically wears the same thing every single day and absolutely hates it when she is forced to wear a dress (for formal events, special occasions, etc.). If she's just hanging out at home, she's usually in an oversized t-shirt and really short shorts (it's a habit and she doesn't realize there are a bunch of boys in the house lol).

Profanities - Yes, more than she's proud of... She also sometimes uses the very minimal Cantonese swear words she knows (ie: See fut leong means ).
(+) organized, determined, sensible, ambitious, trustworthy
(-) blunt/straightforward, introverted/shy, impatient, clumsy, low self esteem

• Organized: Jimin carefully checked the application form she had just filled out for her first internship. After triple checking the document, she made a copy and put the application and copy into the correct file folder in her filing cabinet. Feeling relieved that she finally finished the application, she carefully took a book off her alphabetically organized bookshelf and began to read.

• Determined: Trying to go out of her comfort zone, Jimin wanted to try to bake something. "A recipe is like a chemical equation! How hard could it be?" She found that it is, in fact, extremely hard. However, after about a bunch of flour rubbed on her face and about 13 tries, she finally made a decent chocolate cake.

• Sensible: Being out shopping with people was never a fun activity for Jimin, but her friend dragged her along against her own will. He continued to pick things out that Jimin forbade him from buying after looking at the price tag. "What the are you going to do with a $50 hoodie? Just buy a $20 one, that's already expensive as it is!"

• Ambitious: Jimin smiled excitedly at the 100% mark on top of her college exam for calculus based physics. There were so many things this could do for her. She was thinking of all the dreams she has in mind, like finding a new strain of a disease or finding the cure to cancer or just anything that would contribute to the scientific world.

• Trustworthy: "JIMIN!" Jiyun yelled for her sister. "You can keep a secret, right?" Jimin nodded and Jiyun whispered in her ear, "I like..." Jimin smiled at her sister's excitedness and never told that secret to a soul, no matter how much people badgered her.

• Blunt/Straightforward (with people she actually talks to, ie: her sisters): "How does it look?" Jiyun asked. Jimin curiously looked at the drawing before her. "His eye is crooked, the shading here is off, and the hair doesn't look like hair at all." Jiyun was about to open , but Jimin, knowing what her sister was going to say, replied, " You already knew that I wouldn't just tell you good job beforehand. if you want that kind of response, go ask one of your friends or something."

• Introverted/Shy (tries to avoid social places like parties, can't talk to strangers easily): Jimin looked into the room, seeing all the people. She was scared. What if someone talked to her? She was mad at herself for ever letting her friend force her to go to the party. Her friend pulled her by the arm and they went in. While her friend went to socialize with others, Jimin stayed reserved in the corner of the room, trying to avoid eye contact with everyone.

• Impatient: "JIYUN, HURRY UP!" Jimin yelled, tired of waiting for her sister. "WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!" Her sister groaned in response, "I'm not done yet! YOU SHOULD'VE THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE YOU LET ME SLEEP IN LATE!" Jimin kept looking at her phone for the time every few seconds, yelling, " ARE YOU ALMOST DONE?" to Jiyun about ever minute.

• Clumsy: Jimin hummed in response to all of Jiyun's chatter. She wasn't really listening, as she was going over her notes for statistics. Suddenly, she felt a pain in her head, her on the floor, and heard Jiyun laughing at her. She looked up to see that she had just ran into a pole.

• Low Self-Esteem: "IT WON'T DO, IT WON'T DO, IT WON'T DO!" Jimin yelled as she banged her fingers on the keys of the piano. Despite the performance that would've earned applause, she believed that she failed at the song. She knew it wasn't the best and knew that there was someone better than her and that frustrates her. She always wanted to be the best, yet she knows she is not and ends up thinking she .   

>> LIKES - bubble tea (she's obsessed...), math (she thinks it's fun!), murder mystery books (ie: books by Agatha Christie), pokemon (aka her childhood)
>> DISLIKES - crowded/noisy places (she prefers quiet places, like the library.), messy things(if she sees a messy display in a store, she will fix it.), social environments (Being the introverted person she is, she tries to just voerall avoid places with a lot
>> HOBBIES - playing the piano, watching tvb (cantonese shows) on her phone
>> HABITS - tripping over flat ground, running into everything, cracking her back, shaking her leg

• She has claustrophobia, germaphobia, a fear of failure, acrophobia, and a fear of falling.
• Despite her calm appearance, she is really interested in morbid things (ie: murder, blood, etc)
• She thinks she lacks creative skills, but continues to practice drawing.
• She is a straight A student and generally has the highest grade in class. She still considers herself to be stupid though because she can never get 100% no matter how hard she tries.
• She mostly only swears with friends/family.
• Her favorite eevee evolution is umbreon.
• Her favorite pokemon is Bibarel because despite what anyone tells her about it being her slave, she believes her Bibarel is her best friend because he does everything for her.

Park Jimin was born about 2 minutes after her older twin, Park Jiyun. They were a mistake and their mother got rid of them as soon as she was able to. Now, she goes to college at Seoul National University and majors in biochemistry and minors in statistics. Because, she is practical, she lives life simply except for the samsung galaxy s5 and earbuds that she owns. She has a very strict sleep schedule, that is probably horrible for her, because she falls asleep at midnight and wakes up at 6 am everyday. She was going to plan on sleeping at 10:30, but decided she needed time for tvb and pokemon. She spends a lot of her time helping Jiyun with things and, if needed, helping her other sisters with things too. She shares a room with Jiyun.

(Jiyun-Top, Jimin-Bottom)
TWIN/BEST FRIEND- Park Jiyun - Although Jiyun is older by 2 minutes, Jimin has always been the more mature one. So, when it was needed, Jimin took on a motherly role for Jiyun. She was always the one to help wipe Jiyun's mouth after she ate ice cream or make sure she ate at least a few vegetables. Although Jiyun always tries to reason that she's right because she is older, Jimin usually ends arguments by saying something logical with a few big words that Jiyun doesn't know.
GRANDPAPA - Park Heebong - The two were never incredibly close, but you could tell they both cared for each other. Jimin always loved him because he brought her books and study guides, etc. to help with her studies. She is especially thankful that he agreed to buy Jiyun into college because she feels Jiyun needs more education in her life. She likes to come to him when she needs advice on something and they are very comfortable with each other.
PAPA - Park Junggeun - He is extremely proud of Jimin, although she doesn't see the point. They don't really look like father-daughter in their interactions because Jimin has always slightly judged him. She always wondered what was wrong with his taste in women that he somehow ended up with the train wreck that was her mother, or at least what she had heard of her mother. He had never told Jiyun about their mother, but felt Jimin was mature enough to know that her mother was an alcoholic druggie and he was surprised that the twins turned out okay. She always goes to him if she needs advice on classes or business oppotunities and he is extremely grateful that she helps take care of Jiyun (he would probably die otherwise).
BEST FRIEND - Peniel - They spent a lot of time together because Peniel was helping her on her English and they eventually became close. They are very laidback with each other, one of the reasons why she didn't want him as her butler (because she didn't want to keep talking to him and not studying). She trusts Peniel and feels like she can tell him anything.
MOM - Jung Jisook - Jimin has no idea where she is and doesn't have a clue if she is still alive. She doesn't approve of her mother, as she has heard that she was addicted to alcohol and drugs, and dreams to grow up nothing like her.
She wasn't DIRECTLY part of the scam, but she did help in some way. She knew Peniel before the whole scam and would complain to him about how untidy and messy her sisters are. In turn, Peniel could've told the boys.

INTERACTIONS - Minhyuk is extremely kind and does more than Jimin asks for. For example, if Jimin is studying really hard, Minhyuk brings her a snack or water without her asking. Jimin, generally, brushes him off becasue she is too busy studying. Minhyuk, however, is persistent and tends to try to get Jimin out of her comfort zone (ie: the friend who has been dragging her to parties). He tries to do what he thinks is best for Jimin because he thinks she studies and focuses on her studies way too much and needs to relax and have fun a little. What he doesn't understand is that she finds math to be extremely relaxing and fun (unless it's a difficult problem). They do occasionally talk, however, because Jimin helps Minhyuk clean the room and Minhyuk always finds little conversation pieces that Jimin responds to. She didn't really want a butler, as she could clean and organize her room perfectly well by herself, but her twin insisted and Jimin figured if Minhyuk did all the cleaning then she would have more time to study.
PERSONALITY - Ilhoon can be the nicest or sassiest person ever depending on his mood and how you treat him. He will voluntarily do things for people, but if someone orders him then he would be reluctant due to pride, unless he likes the person; in which case he would do anything within a second's notice. If you need cheering up, he's the guy to go to with his cringy aegyo that will make you fall over in laughter. If you're nice to him, he'll care for you and listen to your problems. He's a real team player and will sacrifice himself if it means good things for the team. He's only competitive when the prize is something he cares about. He becomes sassy when his alter ego, Ilsoon, comes out wither her naturally big ies and fingers that can snap in a z formation. If you ever thought he was a pushover, think again because if you throw witty and sarcastic remarks at him then you're getting some back. In fact, you may get sarcastic remarks without starting anything. He's unpredictable and can surprise you, but it isn't always a good thing.

If you touch him, you're dead. Not literally, but he just really hates skinship. When he's stressed out, he likes to go shopping and you do not want to be the victim he drags with him. He wants to buy everything in the store and ends up borrowing money that he will EVENTUALLY pay back (aka you won't be seeing your money for a while). He likes to try new things, but once he has a bad experience then he is just done. He never wants to do that activity again and it will stay that way unless someone forces him to. Despite his "hip hop style" and cute face, he actually talks more mature than expected. He speaks with a higher vocabulary (and generally understands all the words Jimin says to confuse Jiyun). He's a perfectionist and gets frustrated when he can't do something.

FIRST MEETING - Ilhoon and Jimin met a little before the scam. Peniel wanted to surprise Jimin at school and brought Ilhoon with him. Ilhoon, however, got lost. During his journey in search of Peniel, a girl reading her notes for class tripped and feel right in front of him. That girl was Jimin. He went to help her up and help pick up her papers and she thanked him. He asked her what she tripped over, so she looked back and replied, "On flat ground." straightfaced and with a monotone voice. Someone knocked into her and she fell on Ilhoon and Ilhoon caught her, but since both dislike skinship, Jimin ended up falling on the ground a second time. She was honestly a bit surprised by his vernacular because he used more advanced words. She thought he would be a hooligan because of his cap that wasn't even turned the correct way.

INTERACTIONS - When Jimin saw Ilhoon basically doing anything her twin ordered, she didn't recognize him at all. She only realized that she had met him before when she saw him in the backwards cap. Ilhoon realized it was her too when she confronted him about it and she proceeded to tell him that he looks like an utter fool in his hat. Ilhoon has himself convinced that he is on the same intellectual level as Jimin. He always tries to look smarter by using even higher vocabulary with her, but she generally ends his competitiveness (for a little bit) by speaking in English and remarking that he can attempt to challenge her knowledge when he gets "education higher than that of peasants." Because of her low self-esteem, she actually considers herself stupid and takes every single one of Ilhoon's insults as a compliment.

Ilhoon took Jimin stress shopping once and vowed never to do it again, but he keeps forgetting. She's generally the one to drag since he can always find her studying in her room. Ilhoon always regrets his decision though because Jimin acts like a parent and doesn't let him buy anything overexpensive - aka all the stuff he wants to buy. He ends up getting even more frustrated when Jimin brings him to bargain stores and sometimes yells out, "I THOUGHT YOU WERE RICH!" and she hisses back, "Shut your ing mouth right now. You are the one that dragged me along, you little ." They really connect on one subject though: skinship. Both hate it and both can sympathize when the other starts complaining about their skinship loving friend, Peniel. Also, due to Ilhoon's interest in composing, Ilhoon sometimes asks her to play/practice a piano duet with him.

ENDING - Surprise
PERSONALITY - Minhyuk is a pretty much perfect guy: neat, fun, and attentive- that is...if you take away his competitiveness, stupidity, and vanity. But you can't so hah, Minhyuk isn't a perfect guy. Minhyuk actually enjoys being a butler sometimes, since he likes things to be neat and tidy. Cleaning? No problem, it's something he likes to do anyway. He calls himself head butler even though he isn't the oldest, and often beats the Park siblings to it when it comes to telling the butlers what to clean and when to clean something. He knows his responsibilites well, and attends to them, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know how to have fun. Minhyuk, under his neat and clean obsession is a pretty cool guy that is somehwat immature. He likes to tease others and mess around, playing little pranks and laughing at the weirdest little actions. He really likes attention, and because of that he himself is attentive because 'an eye for an eye'. Especially if he takes an interest to something, he gives it his full and undivided attention.

Minhyuk isn't all sugar and spice though, and like everyone else does he has flaws. For instance, Minhyuk is extremely competitive, and he loves to win at everything. His face just goes straight and all concentrated and he does whatever it takes to win. And when he does win, he gloats about it. He doesn't exactly go out and scream 'I WON I WON HAHAH IT LOSER!", but one look at his face and you know that he's gloating and secretly rubbing it in to you in his head. Minhyuk is also very, very full of himself. Let's face the facts, he's his favorite person. He loves receiving attention and especially compliments. He's pretty cocky about it and if you asked him what's so good about himself he could go on for quite a while. It doesn't exactly help that he's good at things like sports, being clean, cooking...etc. He's a bit of a show off too, and loves to show off his skills in front of others.

INTERACTIONS - Minhyuk is extremely kind and adores Jimin's organizational skills. He does a lot for Jimin, but she doesn't really appreciate any of it because she is always focused on something else. They occasionally talk when Minhyuk joins her in classes or when they clean/organize together. That is, when they are activities that Jimin approves of. Minhyuk tends to take her to parties and things and forces her into dresses (by threatening to shred her math notes what a -). Minhyuk really started paying Jimin a lot of attention when she barely payed him any. He wants to be noticed by her and, in a way, wants to impress her. Minhyuk came to realize all the similarities between them and thought of what they would be like as a couple. He makes subtle advances, all of which Jimin was oblivious to.
COMMENT - It sounds interesting and this is my first time applying as a twin and it was FUNN


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