I'm.... 40% girly... LOL *random*

[] My fingernails/toenails are almost always painted// i'd rather not be bothered

[] During the summer practically the only shoes I wear are flip flops// sneakers...running shoes... basketball shoes... socks... barefeet LOL 

[] My favorite toys as a child were Barbies, Bratz, etc// running..bike.... jump rope... hula hoop.... sketchpad (that i wrote on instead of drew LOL)

[] My favorite color(s) are pink and purple// pastel colors actually

[] I did gymnastics// *bones creak*

[] I like skirts// they're alright

[] Hollister and/or American Eagle are my favorite stores to shop at // nope. overpriced. overrated. please.

[] Tight jeans are the only jeans I wear // please. 

[x] I own something from Victoria's Secret // some perfume i got as a present

Total: 1


[] I own a purse// i actually want one

[] I love to hang out at the mall with my friends// *hisses at my friends*

[] I have more than 10 pairs of shoes// i wish i had 10 pairs...of basketball shoes. dad, are u reading this?

[] I love reality shows// i don't watch... and if i do, they consist of dorky koreans

[] My hair is almost always straightened// i have bipolar hair. i wake up at the last minute. not 6:30, not 6:59, but at 7:00. enuff said. 

[] Bobby pins are my best friend// bobby got lost. i blame my hair's bad attitude. 

Total: 1


[] I own something from Hollister// nah bruh. 

[] I don't shop at Hot Topic// i don't mind the shop.. i just never had the urge to go in. 

[x] My cell phone/iPad is important to me// nokia. 

[] I wear mascara a lot// i tend to spend my time playing sports or sleeping. get that eye stabber away from me. 

Total: 2


[x] Big sunglasses are hot// on guys and on me. hurhur

[] I've gotten my nails done before // sports. 

[] I own over 10 purses// daaaaaad!

[] MTV is one of my favorite channels// uh. what do they even show?

Total: 3


[] Pretty much all you talk about at sleepovers are girls/guys // i've never been to a sleepover... oh wait! i did! we played twister, watched idiotic movies, stuffed our faces, and fell asleep. why waste our time talking about irrelevant people? LOL

[] I love when people do my hair// don't touch me. period. 

[x] I give and receive hugs from all of my friends// im more on the receiving end

[] I hate bugs// bugs are cool. cooler than most of you. 

[] Summer is amazing // No. I like the cold. not winter. winter is dead where i live. WINTER ISN'T SUPPOSED TO BE 100+ DEGREES, MOTHER NATURE. GO HOME, YOU'RE FCKING DRUNK.

[] I go shopping a lot // daaaaad, gimme money! i want those books, jordans, and new running shoes x)

Total: 4


[] I pick out shampoo/conditioner strictly on the smell// i read the labels. i ask my hair. if hair says yes, i buy. well my mum buys. jk. my mum picks outs everythang. im just there to push the cart. sigh . 

[] I don't like sports that make me swear // Uh. Basketball and tennis... Enough said. 

[] I squeal when I'm surprised or angry// I tend to groan or remain silent... It's all on the facial expressions guise

[x] I eat fruits as a snack// i eat fruits. real fruits. fresh fruits. almost any where and any time... teehee. 

Total: 5


[] I have a billion hair products// I can't even find my brush at times...

[x] I get dressed up for certain occassions// like i have a jersey for game days.... haha x) i do own a couple decent dresses and skirts *gasp* 

[] I apply lip stuff 50 times a day // Saliva is mah fren... And so is water... Hydrate yourselves people..and eat healthy xD

Total: 6


[] I wanted a bra way before I needed one// Fun fact that I shouldn't even share: I cried when I was forced to wear one..

[x] I love music// any language as long as it sounds good to me. 

[x] You gotta love rainbows// it's a cool world we live in. 

[] I'd rather not pay attention in school// i'd rather not waste my time. 

[] Kittens are adorable// until they freaking launch on your exposed thighs underneath the dining table while you're trying to eat and won't let go. DAMNIT CAT, YOU TRAUMATIZED ME.

Total: 8


[x] I write/written a poem// i'm purty good. 

[X] I'd love to visit Hawaii // i wanna travel everywhere. even antarctica 

[] Valentine's Day is cute // the day isn't... the kpop valentine cards are grossly humorous xDD

[] I would not be caught in all black// uh i like black outfits

[] My closet/dresser is FULL of clothes// if only... daaaaaaad. 

[] I like to read magazines// books. 

Total: 10


[] I had Lisa Frank folders/posters/notebooks as a kid// who?

[x] I've watched Camp Rock or High School // i like em...

[X] I have or still plan my own future wedding// *day dreams about marrying my oppars*

[] My friends and I are in a strict group// wha--?

Total: 12


[x] I like little kids // yeah. 

[] Diet soda rules// aspartame scares me

[] I am or at a point I was a vegetarian// LOL.

[] I love chocolate// nah... I'm more of a fresh fruits person...

Total: 13


[x] Check Facebook, Myspace, email every day // FB is life. Email is mandatory. 

[] I have a lot of jewelry

[] I have to shop// *hisses*

[X] You have to show your legs // i have to... as in have to or I will die like *dramatic* or because I always tend to wear sports wear? LOL I tend to wear sports shorts sooo

[x] I have more than 3 pillows on my bed// pillows= life

Total: 16


[x] I love my friends // i guess.

[] I don't understand most stuff// i know more than im given credit for. i just dont advertise it. 

[] I wear earrings a lot// allergic even to those hypoallergenic ones 

Total: 17


[] You chew gum// nahh

[] You're lost without a purse// sigh . daaaaad. 

[x] You laugh a lot// yes... why not? beats crying. 

[x] Smiling is a part of you// more like my dimples. even when i give a serious lecture they show up. 

Total: 19


[] You're scared to go into Hot Topic alone// lol why would anyone-- 

[] You won't let your mom shop for you// by all means. saves me the energy

[] You only like what's on the radio// i hate the radio

[] You own at least 4 things from Hollister

[] Love attention // More like no don't bother me I don't want to be bothered please be gone.

[] Love stuffed animals// only that one special bear

[] Most things smart people say confuse you // hell no LMAO. i live for smart comments. such intelligence. much sarcasm. 

[x] You would die without your phone/computer/iPod etc// kinda... i'd die without reading sooo

Total: 20


Multiply by 2. 
20 x 2 = 40

I'm 40% girly 



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