Where Kyungsoo Joined The MMA Championships

i had a freaking dream last night where i was right smack in the middle of a MMA ring and i was wearing the referee uniform to start the third round for Kyungsoo and some scary fighter who's twice his size.


apparently Kyungsoo put the man down by jumping his back, doing the headlock and poking his fingers through the giant man's nose from behind pulling it upwards and flipping him down face first on the pillar, deliberately making the man's nose bleed and break while the head bounced back and he released his fingers fast enough to land himself and watch the giant's momentum hit the ground hard.


what made it weirder was, Taeyang was Kyungsoo's coach and he was singing Eyes, Nose and Lips during that whole spectacle.




wtf is wrong with my head.
the imagination is going on overdrive.







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