K-Pop Star Futsal Worldcup Team A ;) + Woohyun's Twerking

20140612 아이돌 풋살 월드컵 K-Pop Star Futsal Worldcup 치어리딩 대결! 민호와 우현의 반응! Cheer-Leading Competition, Reaction of Min-ho & Woo-hyun

the reaction was the best ~~ the boys were so shy 

team a would have won they were only one point different -

here team d.

here the result cut, it's near the end - 


min annd her influence ~

first amber now to everyone keke c;

show korea min, go on ~ brian is right, min is the only one in kpop that #RAWMIN ~


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They didn't win!? How is that possible?