Global Girls | Da Yeon

Da Yeon

Starships Are Meant to Fly

Full Name:... Rachel (Da Yeon) Choi
Date of Birth:...May 15th, 1989
Age: 25

Ethnicity: Korean
Place of Birth:Los Angeles, California 
Hometown (Must be from your country. If you're a USA trainee, you must be from the US):...Los Angeles, California
Languages:...Korean, English

闪烁耀眼 Find Your Soul

Stage Name: Dayeon
Country: USA
Position: Main Dancer, Vocalist
Backup Position: Leader, Main Vocalist
On-screen persona: Dancing Queen (Only because Dancing is like the only thing she is good at, and expects to be treated like a queen)
Fanclub Name: Royalty
Fanclub Color:: Royal Purple #663399

Vocal Twin: Nicole  (If it is back up position use Jessica)
Backup Vocal Twin: Hyuna

Dancing Twin: Mint (Tiny G) (everything on this channel is her)
Backup Dancing Twin: Oneket (GI)

Faceclaim: Son Ga In
Backup Faceclaim: Narsha

이 미소는 Fire 널 애태우니까

Personality (Detailed please): Cheeky, ambitious, cunning, and lazy are some of the main traits that make up Da Yeon. Da Yeon very easily fits into the catagory of Slytherin. Cheeky: Da Yeon lacks a filter between her mind and , she usually says what comes to mind, and has no problem with it. She is above consiquences she thinks, especially with being the oldest, have any effect on her.  Ambitious: She has put blood, sweat, and tears into this and is not going to let anybody ruin it for her. She will do whatever it takes to get to the top. She was raised to be the best, that has always been her goal, to be on the top. Cunning: Keen and smooth, she knows how to get what she wants, and has no problem having to lie to get it. She is manipulative, like a snake almost. Lazy: Being the oldest member, she doesnt 'need' to do anything. She is use to having things done for her. Also one who likes to get her beauty sleep, she is definitely the hardest to wake up and the most difficult, because she will get violent. You would usually send in some one closer to her age, and faster. Usually the manager would be the better bet, because she will only get huffy around them. 
Da Yeon does have some good qualities. She is the quickest to pick up on feelings of others, so she can easily tell when you are upset. She wont deal with it, unless she really likes you. But she will let somebody else know about it. She is more kind and soft in ways where it wont ruin her image that she has taken so long to build up. Cooking is the perfect example here, Da Yeon loves to cook and to eat, were talking about full meals, breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner. She knows how to cook, and she takes pride in it. She cooks something and she will force somebody to eat it. But there is usually people around who will eat without it being forced. She tends to nag when it comes to weight and stuff too. It depends on who she is nagging too. It may be motherly like "You need to eat more, you are getting too skinny," Or it may be very harsh and mean, "You really need to loose some weight. You are bringing up the group average. Do you want to fall through the stage?" 
Unlike some of the others, Da Yeon has to work to stay skinny. She has a slow metabolism, you'll often see her working out. She will not be a hypocrite when it comes to weight. If she startes to gain weight, she either wont eat, or work out extra hard that day. It has been something instilled into her since she joined the company. She has to be aethstectically pleasing, otherwise she is nothing. Or so she believes. 

Likes (5 minimum):...Cooking, Sleeping, Relaxing, Hot tubs, Spas, Good comebacks, respect
Dislikes (5 minimum):...disrespect, Reptiles, pets in general, especially dogs. crying, when other people cry, junk food, except mcdonalds fries, Coffee, ballet. 
Fears (2 minimum):...Failure, all her life she has been taught to be the best, and if she isnt, she isn't worth anything.
Being ugly; This goes a lot further than what it looks like. From a young age she has been taught what is beautiful and graceful. She was told that if she wasn't those things, then she is worthless. 
Her ultimate fear is being worthless.
Hobies (2 minimum):...Cooking, Sleeping, Dancing.
Habits: (2 minimum):...A lot of her dancing habits she learned in ballet stuck with her, like when she spins, the head must always face forward. She chews on her straws, and usually always drinks with one. She was told it keeps her teeth white. 
Trivia (6 minimum): Favorite dongsaeng is Sooyoung from snsd.
Very good friends with Sunny, consider each other twins because they share a birthday. People joke that sunny got all the cuteness. 
Close with most of the SNSD members. Mainly Jessica, Sunny, Sooyoung and Hyoyeon.
Though she is trained in ballet, she refuses to dance anything but hip hop and jazz.
As one of the taller members, she is usually the one you will see making fun of the shorter ones and actually mentioning their real height.
She use to be super insecure about being tall, usually towering over other people.
She isn't really worreid about guys or getting married. She is more focused on her career, but if asked, she'd say that somebody like Changmin of DBSK or Taecyeon of 2PM were close to her ideal man. Tall, funny, and attractive.


Conmigo nada es fácil

Background:...Rachel Choi was born in Los Angelas to James and Elizabeth Choi. Her grandparents were the ones who immigrated from Korea for a better life. She grew up speaking both english and korean. English in school and with friends, A combination of both at home, Korean in church, and korean when talking with her grandparents. When she was eight, her parents enrolled her in dance classes. That's where her body image thing started. In her dance classes, they were required to stay with in a certain weight. She was constaintly required to be "pretty". She had seen girls be yelled at, even kicked out of class for gaining weight. That's when she started to get her attitude, and build up that wall. She had to act like it didn't affect her. When she was 15 she switched from ballet and tap to focus on jazz and hip hop. At least there, she enjoyed what she was doing. Her parents weren't keen on her switching dance classes, she didn't want to tell them why, she couldn't. So she just had to get creative with her reasoning. After she turned eighteen, she and some friends filmed auditions for SM and emailed them off to the company, mainly as a joke, she didn't think she'd actually make it. She took up a part time job, and started school at a local arts college on a dance scholarship. She got an email response three weeks before she turned nineteen from SM Entertainment saying that they wanted her to fly to Korea to do a second round of auditions, to which she happily complied. It was an adventure. She passed auditions and started training soon after that. 
Trained for (Minimum 2 years): 5 1/2 years
Before becoming an SM Trainee (What did you do? Model? Act? Nothing?):...She did a lot of back up dancing, that was what she was good at. She didn't have the money to have plastic surgery on her eyes, being monolided wasn't really a good thing for her. It didn't add anything to her apperence, which she was constantly reminded. She had the body, just not the face. 

Pouvez-vous gérer mon style?

Style:...Da Yeon has a very chic style. She has worked hard to achive her body, and she is going to show it off.
Links:...(I'm going to cheet. Pretty much anything Yuri or Jessica wear, she wears. Very similar styles.) Jessica Yuri

Any Peircings?:Basic ear peircings and a belly button peircing.
Birth Marks?: Not anymore
Scars?: Nope

Семья есть все

Family:... Elizabeth Mi Young Choi | 47 | Dentist | 4/10 | She doesn't really talk much to her family. Especially after moving to Korea. You wont hear her talking bad about them either. She just doesn't ever talk to them. She does send money to her family though.
James Young Chul Choi | 50 | Asian Studies Professor at UCLA | 4/10

Grace Yu Jin Choi | 16 | Student | 4/10 |She is the younger sister that idolizes her older sister and brags to everyone about her. 

Hannah Ji Yun Choi | 22 | Currently Unknown | 2/10 | She pretends that her older sister doesn't exsist. She is the black sheep of the family. Kind of just left after turning 18.

Daniel Jae Won Choi | 18 | Student | 4/10 | Almost finished with high school with a partial scholorship to UCLA arts school for ballet and modern dance. That's what most of the money Da Yeon sends home goes towards. 

連れてって I want it

Love Interest:...
Backup Love Interest:...

Relationship (Describe how they feel about each other):...
Interactions (Describe how they act around each other):...
How did they meet?:...

Rival:... I can't think of anybody. Granted with her attitude I could see her having a lot of rivals and people that don't like her.
Backup Rival:...

Relationship: ...
How did they become rivals?:...

Anything Else?

Comments:...I cringed making her. Let me know if she is too much. I can always re do it. In all honesty, she is just a filler character. 
Scene Requests:..Fights, she does seem like the most irratable one.
Rival Girl Groups:.. Already listed in the previous application.
Password: 173cm and 52kgs



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