Hey guys I'm watching this Taiwanese Drama and it's so good i think you guys should go watch it.. sorry if i made you waste your time clicking on this... but no fence it's not a waste for me to tell you guys, but it may be a waste for you guys to click on this, but hopefully you guys will watch it... If you do watch it tell me how it is.. if it's great, bad, annoying, or characters aren't matchable.. just sayin', But if you do watch if I'd love to spazz with you... btw it's called Fall In Love With Me the main guy is hella cute so you have to go watch it! And also the main girl.. sorry if it wasn't a Korean Drama, I just decided to tell you guys in case you guys might want to watch it and get a few ideals from it.. But anyways! BYE!

and again i used to much "But's" on that ^^





Happy 1 yr Anniversary BTS!!!!!!! (I guess the picture came out to large, i cant seem to fix it..)




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I stan his group (Fahrenheit) sometimes :P
But they are good actually!! I am planning on watching Fall In Love With Me sometimes.
I have already watched 'Just You' with the same actor in it.