
So, I was supposed to do revision again today (oral exam 23rd, have to have read and analysed 25 poems, 6 novels and one play by then and be able to put them in a historical context), but I kind of ended up first passing out and then doing spring cleaning. I woke up early this morning because my y cat decided to throw a vase at me, which then shattered in a billion pieces. I then had to wrestle with her to get her into her carrier so she wouldn't get hurt by the glass, which means I now how several deep scratches on my legs. At least none on my arms this time. Anyway, I got it cleaned up and then I passed out until after noon. I still need a bit of sorting through some stuff, but otherwise my room is nice and tidy. I might do one poem tonight just to do something exam-related, but I'm happy that I did the cleaning. It helps a lot with focus when everything is not a mess around me. Aaaanyway... I'm still mostly inactive, this is just a post to say "I'm alive!" even though I'm busy these days. 


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