Update on Life X: Summer days, too lazy to write

Hey everyone!


As far as the most of you know, I am officially graduating from school/college quite soon and then I will be off to Thailand from 19 July till next year's (early)summer.


To be honest, I wanted to update my stories but up until now I haven't wrote all too much. I am too lazy to write at the moment and I am spending more time with my friends and the two guy friends, with whom I have some kind of friends with benefits relationship (I told you guys quite a lot about Lukas already and the other guy's name is Fabian but I call him Fabi for short^^) , and the weather is way too good to spend it at home writing. We, my best friends and I, went swimming the past few days and now I look like some kind of chocolate XD

I still have much to do because of work and other stuff for Thailand but I will find some time to write and if I can get myself motivated.


But really it is really hot now , around 34°C here, which is really hot for Germany and my friends envy me that I get a tan so easily without getting a sunburn XD

Well it is probably even hotter in Thailand at the moment, so I won't complain^^


I will update as soon as I can^^


See you next time! (Next time I maybe will include some pics from my graduation^^)


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everylilthings #1
Congrats on your graduation~! Hope you enjoy your holidays^^
heey~~ sorry for the late comment but congrats on your graduation!! And enjoy your holidays, as revenge for all those hard works and time you've spent for preparing your exams!! ENJOY THE SUMMER!!
hasegawa_asuka #3
navi, its ok not to write now as u should enjoy ur unique holudays before the work in Thailand! such kind of graduation holidays will be one of the most precious memory of ur life! chill and stay with friends as much as u can since u cannot see them often at least next yr.

love from Theresa
Omg! Come to Philippines and you will get tanned easily. xD Anyway, don't worry for not updating. We, readers will wait patiently for your update. :) Oh! And congrats again! :>
Rima-chan #5
I know how you feel :D Im also too lazy to do anything. I always get sunburns -.- Im a cheese D: Im as white as a ghost.... but Im so happy that its finally warm in Germany :D
-yomun #6
woow, congratulation author-nim i'll still wait for the next update of ur fic^^
Maryanhassan #7
Congrats on graduating~!! :D
Have fun~ ^^ I'm happy for you^^ Congratulations!!
Ohh,and you should definately post a pic from your graduation :)
Enjoy the weather as much as u want :) ur making me really jealous with ur tan cant wait to get mine lol pls do put some pic of ur graduation wud be nice to see them :D Don't worry about writing right now just have fun ^^
It's fine,everybody needs a vacation and you just finished school,so just
enjoy your time with your friends:D
But when you leave won't you miss the two guys? Even if you said you are only
friends with benefits..I don't think I could do that without falling in love:))
Anyways,I'll miss your presence here on this site when you'll be gone:((
Annnd now back to stuDYING :((((