My crush

I try not to have crushes, but this was so unavoidable.

I have this huge crush on a junior girl in my high school..,problem is..I'm a girl and she has the perfect boyfriend anyone can ask for.  Every time I see her my heart beats like there's no tomorrow.  I kind of hate this feeling because I know it's not possible for me and her to date.  I'm this quiet artist freshman while she's this cute talkative junior :/ i don't think she even knows who I am 

i don't know what to do.  I want this feeling to go away




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a_dork4eve #1
There are things that we just can't control and at times it but it happens..... I suggest to try and meet other girls or get yourself busy to keep your mind off of her but it will take time to move on it just depends on how hardyou try to move on. Who knows maybe your crush will disappear and you will meet someone else ......

Ps. I know how you feel
You know what?I'm a girl too and I do have girl crushes too that every time I see them I'm really happy but I like boys a lot.I admire how pretty and cute they are but not to the point that I want to date them. Oppz I forgot Kwon Yuri!I'm gay for her.LOL