Break Down

Hello to myself coz i know no one is reading this blog. I felt bad tho but EXOK. So i'll continue my story about the creeper guy whos out of my league. Well i greeted him a happy birthday! lol atleast i have the confidence to chat him coz im with my friends! I said hi to him, if u just know how nervous i am while waiting for him to reply, im not sure if he's going to reply tho... there's alot of snob guy out there! So he replied and said hello! I was so happy that time coz he notice me lmao and then i grab the chance to greet him a happy bithday! Hehehe im such a flirt! And then he thank me, i dont want to end out conversation so i ask him if how old he is, even if i know he's already 19. Kekeke so guess what?! Guys he replied and asking me to guess his age! So i said 17 omg i lied hahaha but its ok! After that he just tell me he's already 19. I hope he just played hard to get for us to get along but he didnt. So after a short chitchat with him like how would u celebrate your birthday and how do u do he answer them all and i ask me back the question... So when i ask again he didnt reply so i guess that was the end of our conversation.


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well that is a good start isn't it?