Good News!

Well, as it happens I have passed all 3 exams that enables me to move onto 2nd year at University! 

That's Psychology, Digital Media and Politics passed.


So I'm extremely happy!


Now all I want is for 2nd year to start.


Cause I get to move in with 3 of my friends and have a blast!


On another note, e3 starts in an hour so will any of you be watching it?
It's my dream to go to an e3 conference one day.
One day...
Anyway, Microsoft Conference starts in an hour here (pre-conference in 22 mins), just in case you want to watch it.
Myself, however, am much more of a SONY girl so I need to wait until 2am.


Love y'all, and may present an update today.
Possibly :P



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congratulations to you!
Congratulations!!! XD
Congrats, I'm dreading mine!!
Blueflower740 #4
congratulations! <3 Just a question: how are you allowed to study 3 subjects at once? I've always thought you stick to one, unless you have them all linked together? O_o
Patch1997 #5
Congrats!! I'm just waiting to get into my first year of Uni fingers crossed meet my conditions!
kimsfangirl #6
I am happy for you :)
CONGRATS on passing!! that's awesome!!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE E3, I've been able to attend E3 once due to a friend of a friend being in the industry. It's beyond your wildest dreams, let me tell you!!
Other than that one time I usually watched the live airings...but I can't this year since I work a different time schedule and have to be at work...BOOO!!!!

I'm a Sony girl myself! but I do love all things NINTENDO hehehe. xbox...nehhhhh.
/shakes le booty
WHOAH haha congrats!! :D Were any of them really tough? I absolutely such in politics lol xD
Eh? What's e3?
congrats! I can't wait to finish high school oh god i'm dreading