So, yesterday I finally 'got' rid of my long hair!!!

It's just d most random thing I ever made!!

So, I was just laying my lazy on the floor, thinking about chenchen and his awesomeness~ [he's basically always in my mind, he's d only thing i constantly think about!]

Suddenly I decided!

"Now or NEVER!" I shouted idiotically and grabbed my tiny bag, shoving it with my phone and money and dissapeared.

I walked all alone to few salon but ended up at a simple salon.

I've waited 10 minutes until d hairdresser finished her meal and come in to the service.

"Please, cut my hair real short."

This haridresser asked, "Are you serious? Your hair are really long." I laughed like an idiot and then she gave up.

She cut my hair.

Real short.

[good bye, long hair] :DDD



So, yeah, call me ATTENTION SEEKER but I really want to show my new haircut to you~

Because it just like dream came true!!

I've always wished to cut my hair but my motehr didn't allow me to, saying "Even when your hair is so freaking long you still look like a boy, you were a boy if you cut it.Don't cut it."


I only tell my beautiful mother after I got my hair cut. :DDD

So, here they go~~ :DDD


Me with long hair.







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four tumb up for you new looks
I think you looks cute with short hair too ^^ I'm too currently thinking whether i should cut my hair or not haha..but well, i'll take my time haha..
KAKAAAKKKKK ya ampun jd pendek banget heuheu;_; ///btw gak papa ya aku pk bahasa.
tp keliatan lebih fresh kok! beneran ovo
aku jg mau potong rambut ///sebelum pindah/// hnggg

manjanginnya stengah taun motongnya paling berapa menit..;_;
lala23 #4
You look amazing with short hair! You're a beautiful girl, don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I think you look really good with short hair! That's really rare so you're super lucky ^^ hahaha great decision :D
Yes yes so CUTE! I'm cutting all mine off as well in two weeks! Looks amazing, luv! <3
I'm also crazy about my long hair, but on high school, two years from now, I showed up at the back to school ceremony with my hair cut to the shoulders. My best friend kept whine about it, and my dad was furious when I get home that night. I was seventeen at that time, and it was my way to quit my teens years and assume my new mature self. I'm 19 now and my hair returned to her long form, and even if I prefer myself like this, I will never forget this experience.
I think everyone need this kind of experience at least once in life. And in between, you look great with both hairstyles ;)