endless ( 끝이없는 ) :: Application :: Athletic Genius








--- Dahyunnie : Her members and friends.
--- Dani : (DAhyunNIe) This is also her stage name and her fans call her this.
--- Aegi/Baby : Her older brother.



BIRTHDATE: 06/17/1995

BIRTHPLACE: Seoul, South Korea

HOMETOWN: Seoul, South Korea

ETHNICITY: Full Korean

HEIGHT: 167cm

WEIGHT: 50kg


--- Korean : Fluent/Native
--- English : Fluent/Learned (Her parents hired an English tutor because Dahyun wants to learn.)




:: The Cute Side :: (Look at the photo on the left above!)
Dahyun is the fake maknae of the group as she does the most aegyo. However, she has natural aegyo and not on purpose or intentional. It just comes out of her naturally. You'd think of sunshine and flowers when Dahyun is around... Why? Dahyun is a very buoyant and sweet girl. She loves skinship with people she loves because that is her way of showing her love. She believes that action is louder than words. Dahyun is also a mood-maker as she is very cheerful and bright. You would see her always showing a very sweet and bright smile. Dahyun is always positive and optimistic. She won't let others be sad. She'll cheer them up no matter what. Dahyun is very innocent and is really clumsy. The older members thinks she's cute when she blinks because she doesn't know what they were talking about. Dahyun is the lead dancer and she is very passionate when dancing so she bumps things or hit stuff when she dances with full force and energy at the dorm. Dahyun is really humorous especially when imitating people. Dahyun is very innocent and has a cute talking voice. She asks a lot of questions because of her obliviousness about many other things and she loves to learn new things. Dahyun admitted being a "Fan-pabo" which means that she loves the fans a lot and likes to interact with them.

:: The Charismatic and Passionate Side :: (Look at the photo on the right next to the gif above)
She acts very well and can get into the character very fast. This is why her members sometimes get goosebumps when they watch her imitate someone or act. She uses it in daily life as well and especially when doing a hidden camera for special events and birthdays of her members. She can make them cry because she can act well. This baby-faced member might fool you with her cuteness. She transforms into a charismatic performer on-stage and can really get into the character. Her face expressions and movements on performances are very charismatic and cool-looking just like her older brother. She usually uses up all of her energy at day-time and then she'll be drowsy later in the night-time. She doesn't do chores at night but she is the patissiere and one of the chefs of the group. She likes to bake stuff like cookies or bread for her members in the morning. Dahyun is a "makeup maniac". Meaning, she loves makeup and she knows a lot about it just by watching beauty shows or learning online. She is like a professional now since she knows a lot about it. The members are often scolded by her. She always tell them to do their skincare well so their skin will be really healthy. Her scolding are just out of love.

:: The Senstitive and Childish Side ::
Dahyun wants to always make her family proud of her and because of that she exerts her best effort everytime she practices. Dahyun has a lot of pride and is very sensitive. She cries immediately and gets angry easily most of the time. What she does is go to a garden or rooftop, any peaceful place where she can relax and cry it all out. She has a lot of pride and that means she gets angry at herself when she messes up or fails to do things well. Dahyun is a kind-hearted and an amiable girl. She loves to make friends and she loves to take care of the people she loves. Dahyun is also a sweet girl who shows love to her beloved people. She likes to back-hug the members and she sees them as her own sisters. Dahyun is very hard-working. She always practices whenever there is time. She becomes serious when she is monitoring herself. Dahyun is usually playful and mischievous as well. She likes to have fun with the members and she is also one of the most childish members. Her older brother, Boyfriend's Leader Donghyun treats her like she is still a baby and often spoils her and that is why Dahyun is a little childish and dependent. She tries to become responsible and independent like the other members of the group. Dahyun has an "Older brother complex" which means she loves her brother a lot and they are really close unlike other normal siblings who fight sometimes. It's like they can talk with just gestures and eye-contact because of their closeness. They didn't fight even once in their life. Dahyun's role model is her own brother especially in singing and acting. She looks up to him a lot and she likes to dance Boyfriend songs. You can just put a hat or mask on her and when she joins Boyfriend when performing it'll look like she is a member because she likes to dance boy-group songs and her movements and gestures are boyish when dancing boy-group dances which make fans think that she is so cool.

:: The Athletic and Genius Side::
Dahyun is very intelligent and has a clever mind so she learns quickly and she always wants to study and learn new things. Has great planning skills and schemes. No wonder she is the genius of the group because she loves to watch and read Detective and Mystery movies, dramas, animes and mangas and she solves almost all of them. You don't need a calculator when Dahyun is by your side! She is a wise and smart girl who thinks twice before doing anything. She thinks and imagines what will happen first before doing so. Also the athlete of the group, Dahyun loves to play tennis, soccer and badminton. It is her dream to get a medal in Idol Championships. This is a secret okay? Dahyun has a lot of techie things and is also smart when it comes to technology. Her members turn to her when they need help. She likes to invent things like tracking devices or secret compartments and any device she can think of doing. Dahyun always has a high grade in school always and she wanted to learn English when she was young so her parents hired a private English Teacher.

:: The Flaws ::
Dahyun can be so lazy sometimes that she doesn't want to do chores at night. When she's tired, usually after tiring hours of practices, she just goes home with her members, eat snacks, drink then just sleep right away. You won't see her usual bright and cheerful attitude when she's tired so she needs to charge and be energized again somewhat like a robot. Dahyun doesn't help cleaning at night but she is the member who is one of the "chefs" in the group. Sometimes, Dahyun gets really greedy especially when it is about snacks or candies. She is not a meal-shikshin but a snack-shikshin because she loves snacks. Dahyun becomes so bossy and lazy when she's tired and that happens mostly at night. She would boss some of the members to get stuff like soda for her but the thing is that she asks nicely even though she's being bossy. Dahyun is short-tempered because of her sensitivity but she does not let it conquer her and usually just smiles and scolds rude people in a cute and clever way. It's her way to control her anger and sensitivity. She gets really moody. Her mood changes according to her body condition. If she's tired then she'll be grumpy and complain about stuff. Dahyun normally is energetic in the day and usually tired at night. Dahyun is really stubborn so it will be hard for her members to convince or force her to do stuff unless she likes it or if she is interested in it. Dahyun is really scared of horror sounds and insects. She would immediately stand up when she sees an insect. It's like she has a phobia of insects now. Dahyun likes to play hidden cameras on special events and on birthday hidden cameras, she often makes her members cry at the end. Dahyun is a shopaholic and often buys a lot of things whenever she shops. When the members go to the supermarket, you would see Dahyun getting excited to buy snacks and candies. Dahyun would become dreamy thinking about love. She's a little silly and may bump some stuff when walking or trip.


BACKGROUND: Dahyun grew up living as the cute youngest child of her parents. She was very kind when growing up. She is very innocent about many things when she was young and she tries to learn more as she grows. Her Dad is a businessman and her Mom is a baker and a chef. Her older brother is none other than Boyfriend's leader Donghyun. Dahyun has an "older brother complex" which means she has excessive love for her brother. Dahyun was taught by her Mom how to cook and bake. She was so excited making her own cookies. Dahyun had a happy highschool life as she was very friendly and has a bright aura. She was a little sad when her brother started to train in Starship because she knows that she will miss him a lot but Donghyun almost calls Dahyun every hour to check on the family. Dahyun got interested when she watched the first performance of Boyfriend. She started to learn the lyrics and dance. She learned things all by herself. It was like she was training herself while getting ready for her first audition which was gonna be in Starship as well. She wanted to see her brother a lot so she auditioned there. She passed the audition after dancing mixed popping and hip hop to "Bangarang". Her brother was just watching at the corner with Boyfriend members. He was happy to see Dahyun pass the audition because he wanted her to be in the same company as him. He just hugged Dahyun tightly and was very proud of her. He introduced s to Dahyun after the audition. Of course he didn't have to introduce Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo since they are Dahyun's bestfriends and they were classmates. Dahyun immediately clicked with every one of them. She was not bullied but sometimes trainees judge her kindness.

Dahyun was only thirteen when she wanted to be an idol like her brother. She auditioned at Starship Entertainment. Hani gathered her courage and went to audition at Starship Entertainment and she passed. She broke the judges' female stereotypes because of her dance. Dahyun had a lot of friends when she was still a trainee but of course some still didn't like her and thought that she was just faking her kindness. Dahyun was teased a few times in Starship  Entertainment by some trainees who dislikes her. They and discriminated her. Those trainees told her that she just passed because of her face and her famous brother. She tries to fight those with positivity but there was one time when she exploded and just cried. She ran to her brother right away after crying and let him know about happened. Donghyun was very furious and disappointed at those trainees who were bad-mouthing Dahyun. Dahyun just confronted them once and just glared at them. Then she smiled brightly and waved at them. "I don't know why you are judging me or teasing me because of my brother or how I got accepted but please don't judge people easily and just practice well. Don't waste your time on me or other trainees arasseo? If you do it again, I might show you my hidden hapkido skills. I don't want to make trouble inside the company premises so please be nice to me and I'll be nice to you. Ppyong!" Dahyun scolded them a little and in a very clever and cute way ever. She thinks that they are so immature wasting their time and back-stabbing people and she is even more mature than them. Since then, she fought negativity and bad trainees with positivity and cheerfulness.


Kim Dongshin | Father | 52 | Businessman | Loving, Funny and Understanding
Kim Jihyun | Mother | 49 | Chef and Baker | Caring, Kind and Loving
Kim Donghyun | Older brother | 25 | Idol/Boyfriend | Over-protective, Humorous and Sweet


BESTFRIENDS: Ditzy Maknae and Annoying Giant




--- Music
--- Makeup
--- Fashion
--- Snacks
--- Accesories
--- Candy
--- Boyfriend
--- Nail Art

--- Milk
--- Insects
--- Heights
--- Horror Sounds
--- Washing dishes
--- Bad people
--- Crimes
--- Smoke


--- Eyesmiling when happy, laughing or blushing
--- Singing or dancing along to any song she knows that plays
--- Biting fingers when nervous
--- Saying "Omo" or "Oh my god"
--- Puffing her cheeks

--- Playing games
--- Watching dramas and animes
--- Reading mangas and books
--- Shopping


--- She is classmates and bestfriends with Boyfriend's maknae line.
--- Give her corn and she'll love you forever.
--- Can dance boy-group songs like a boy.
--- This is her makeup bag.
--- Has a makeup collection which 500+ products.
--- Donghyun and Dahyun has sibling bracelets.
--- Dahyun hasn't experienced falling in love yet.
--- This is her school bag.
--- Her twitter is @EndlessDani95
--- Dahyun was the girl in Boyfriend's "Don't Touch my girl", "Iyah" and "Janus"
--- Dahyun acted as Lee Minho's little sister in "The Heirs" and Kim Jieun in "Glorious Day" (Love triangle with VIXX' Hongbin and Rainbow's Woori)
--- Model of Etude House
--- Dahyun was an MC in M Countdown once.
--- Dahyun, Youngmin, Kwangmin and Minwoo have bestfriend bracelets. Each one is a different color. Dahyun's bracelet is pink, Youngmin's bracelet is yellow, Kwangmin's bracelet is blue and Minwoo's bracelet is black.

--- Rapping
--- Composing




LOVE INTEREST: Boyfriend's Jo Youngmin

OCCUPATION: Idol/Boyfriend

Youngmin can be hyper and clumsy sometimes. He is a kind-hearted and a sweet person. He is also easy-going and fun to be with. Youngmin is humorous and may throw some funny jokes a lot but sometimes he fails miserably and that makes Dahyun laugh more. He is out-going and also talkative like Dahyun so they get along well. He is very emotional and may rage easily. He is always so involved when he does something he likes. He is really gentle and soft-spoken. Youngmin is thoughtful and likes to take care of Dahyun. He is always helpful and is always considerate especially when it is about Dahyun.

Youngmin and Dahyun are very close. Sometimes when Youngmin makes jokes or makes Dahyun laugh, Dahyun would laugh then hit him playfully. Youngmin always wants Dahyun to call him "Oppa" even though they have the same age. Dahyun does call him oppa and Youngmin would blush and feel happy everytime Dahyun calls him oppa. He likes to pat Dahyun's head a lot and he also likes to pinch her cheeks. Youngmin is very caring and sweet towards Dahyun and she is to Youngmin as well. Dahyun smiles a lot more when she is with Youngmin. They like to practice a lot together. They initiate skinship automatically since they are bestfriends. Youngmin is always eager to take care of Dahyun. Dahyun often share bread and pastries that she bakes with Youngmin and the members of Boyfriend. Youngmin would go to Dahyun and Donghyun's house and visit her. Dahyun's family likes Youngmin since he takes care of Dahyun well and they are fond of him. Both of them started to develop feelings for each other and they have been friends for three years already. They like to play around with each other and have fun together. Very sweet to each other. They are sometimes mistaken to be a couple. Both of them make efforts to cheer each other whenever one of them has schedules and performances. They are very sweet and they often look or stare at each other lovingly like they are a couple because they have feelings for each other.






















FACE CLAIM: Girl's Day's Yura

BACK-UP FACE CLAIM: Bestie's Haeryung

FASHION SENSE: Dahyun loves to layer tops. She wears a long sleeve white tops under sleeveless sweaters a lot. She also loves to try new styles. She likes clothes with laces, gems, patchwork and many more. She likes to wear jeans that are not that tight because she will feel uncomfortable wearing very tight ones. Dashyun likes both girly and boyish styles. She sometimes likes to wear pom pom beanies, snapback hats and other hats along with her clothes. She wears a black fingerless glove along on her right hand only when performing.


CASUAL:    1 | 2 | 3

PRACTICE:   1 | 2 | 3

AIPORT;   1 | 2 | 3




Comments/Suggestions: Hi!

Questions: N/A

Scene Requests:
--- Confession scene?
--- Endless own diary show, Weekly Idol, Running Man and We Got Married
--- Endless Hello Baby
--- Donghyun and Boyfriend members visiting Endless
--- Youngmin taking care of Dahyun
--- Dahyun planning a Hidden camera for one of the members' birthday

Password: Lovemenot



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