Getting answers

In all honesty, I think I know what's causing my loss of connection with dance. Something that feels like dissociation, because my body doesn't feel like mine. Like I'm trying hard to control my body, try to feel, but I can't get that control. Like your soul gets out of your body and you feel like you are looking at yourself, like you are watching a film. Somehow, this feels like the hypotension that I have, but only more intense.


I don't know. The lights are blinding, they kind of strain my eyesight. Yeah. And I put my fingers in front, trying to focus, get myself back but I can't feel. 


I know I shouldn't self diagnose, but if the coping strategies for dissociation helps me to cope, why not give it a try?


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I've seen your blog posts for a while now and I can see that you aren't happy. I'd strongly suggest pyschological help just for peace of mind rather than diagnosis.
I've probably wrongly diagnosed myself with depression and social anxiety since I have dark days and I'm moderately scared of being infront of large crowds of people, open to negative judgement and criticism.
But from what I've read here...I'm a little scared that maybe...
you know...
that maybe you'd try to hurt yourself rather than strive to make things better...
I'd rather not sit back and read something that could potentially be suicidal...and instead give my two cents.
If you feel the way you do...have you tried to doing things make yourself happy? know. Think about things.
Reading things like this, even if they're just thoughts and emotions...they are real thoughts and emotions, it worries me because we're young and emotional. We get over things when we go to uni and move out and really get to see the world. Why cut things short in a moment of angst? two cents.