I'm so pissed off and this isn't helping

Link to post: https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=291255171047864&id=144497805723602

"you guys,exofans" "use your little brain"
you're blaming and insulting a whole fandom when it's the freaking sasaengs doing it.
they bash someone (Daeun) who didn't do anything wrong and now you're bashing and insulting innocent fans.
this makes you no better then them.
You can defend someone without insulting innocent people. 
instead of "you guys,exo fans" you can use "the fans who are bashing Daeun"
and you'll see in one of my older posts on RPR ( http://www.roleplayrepublic.com/blog/view/45285 ) that it's possible to defend her without insulting anyone innocent


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