Please Join | Project + Contest (ft. How Do People Even Selfie?)

First things first, there's a lovely project happening and I hope y'all can join.

It's called Project: Be Nice and it's motto is "Together let's put a smile on someone's face."

Cute, cool, and awesome, right?

Then you should go join here.

I'd make a poster but I'm not talented and I've no time atm orz.

You can be an advertiser, researcher, and anynonmous.

There are also other open positions that you can join as.

It's just a really nice project and I like its mission.

So yeah, please join!

Second things second (lol I don't think that's the phrase but that's okay too)

All you talented Amber writers please join THIS contest.

It's hella awesome by a hella cool unnie okay.

Please join.

We need people and she put a lot of hard work into it so let's support her by joining, yeah?

I've submitted an incomplete entry so come join me!

And there's a pretty cool twist: you can't use noncrack pairings.

All of the pairings have to be "rare" so to speak, or less written about.

Epic, right?

So please join!

Now for the third thing.

You can skip this and carry on your merry way.

It's literally just a selfie/selca of me.

Hence, "How Do People Even Selfie?"

Because I have no idea how.

Look, here's the picture(s):


1. My head is at that near neckbreaking angle because I need the angle. And the lighting.

2. The lighting is really good. I'm not usually that pale. At all. I wish I was.

3. I actually did eye makeup so be proud. Holla at the eyeliner and eyebrow pencil. I think it looks pretty decent for someone makeup illiterate.

4. My bangs are growing out and they look like crap so excuse the hair pls and tq.

5. That's all, I'm done excusing myself. So yeah. Have a selfie. Or four while we're at it. Lol.


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swedenlaundry #1
Why are you so pretty like its not even fair
Loly21 #3
First it's a nice project!! Second it's sound very interesting but... I'm not good at writing story because I'm not that talented to be author like you & others but I kinda want to try:) Third you're very beautiful;) How old are you?? 15 or 16 because you look so young!!
TaquitosNOMNOM #4
Wait, are you wearing a hoodie?? During summer... in South California???
TaquitosNOMNOM #5
You look pretty in eyeliner! And your bang are really long now but they look nice like that! ^o^