PUBLISHED NOVEL: The Stargazer's Scrapbook

Hello friends!

The long awaited moment has finally come, and my first published book is now for sale online!! I would be delighted if you supported me by purchasing a book (all the revenue will be DONATED to Alzheimer Society of Canada). Find the links below, & connect with me on my FB page/Twitter/Instagram :D


The Stargazer's Scrapbook

If you could tamper with your memories and rewrite them in your favour, would you? It’s actually a rather easy thing to do.

Memories aren’t made purely from our interactions in the physical world. When we muse with our imaginations, we’re creating memories, too. When reality and fantasy intermixes over time, how can you draw the line between what’s real and what isn’t?

In her early years, Lisanna Spring was raised by her grandmother, a memory collector who loved to tell stories with impeccable vividness to anyone who would care to listen. Often times it would be to an audience of one; Lisanna. When Lisanna’s grandma lost in a fight with Alzheimer’s disease and was forced to trade her beloved babysitting role for an ironic bedridden ending, she leaves behind a beautiful scrapbook as a memento for her granddaughter. After a period of hysterical denial, Lisanna discovers the dying wish her grandma had left for her in the scrapbook and intends to fulfill it by becoming a collector of more than just memories.


Royalties will be donated to ALZHEIMER SOCIETY OF CANADA

Available at:
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***Purchasing from the official xlibris bookstore will provide more royalties for Alzheimer Society of Canada as no amount is subtracted by a third party distributor.

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If you read until this far then I humbly thank you (: I feel bad for asking anything from you awesome people because you've already given me so much joy from simply reading my writing. The greatest honour for me as a writer is having my work read. 

I want to write to encourage others, and to introduce ways of thinking that could help people become happier. That being said, I don't want my writing to be a means to make money for my own personal gain. I'm currently a third year undergraduate student showered in student loan debt and currently unable to find a summer job, but I have faith that once I graduate I will find a career to deal with it. My writing is to be kept separate from my financial problems.

For this novel, I chose Alzheimer Society of Canada because... Well... I was born and raised in Canada. THe whole story kicks off when Lisanna's grandmother contracts Alzheimer's Disease. I wanted to support a cause I touched upon in my book, and I know it's a widespread disease that affects nearly every family. And to be honest.. it's a disease I would never want to have, because it would force me to forget. And I hate forgetting.

My plans for the future include publishing more books (although probably not any time soon), and a few book projects have already been set in motion. I have considered fixing up Wanderlust and publishing it, but the characters will all need new names. If any of you have suggestions please do share!! If your suggestion is chosen I will credit you in the published book. I will frequently post updates on my facebook page: especially for my works in progress. (This includes spoilers, teasers, free book contests, etc) 

Thanks for reading until now. I know I have a habit to ramble on hahaha. Thank you for being one of my biggest pillars of support!! You helped make one of my biggest dreams come true, and I hope that when the time comes I can be able to somehow repay the favour and share in the joy of your dreams becoming reality as well.

Dare to desire, and you're never too young or old to set off on a life changing adventure.

God bless,

SkyeLin (Esther Lac)


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Wooow. The books sounds enthralling and amazing :')
I really want to read it, hopefully it will be available in my country soon :D
Congratulations and all the best :)
Congratulations on your first novel! It's nice to see writers get somewhere with their work when they deserve it! And you do! You're also inspiration to the rest of us and I've actually begun writing also, although I must ask if the publishing process is as scary as others make it out to be and how did you get publicity for your book?
Wow you published a book!!!
I really want to too. That's why I'm trying to practice my writing here.
I'm a fellow Canadian btw, thought that was important XD
CONGRATZ LIKE CRAZY! I don't know you but it's nice to see us AFF people getting somewhere - it can all start here!! Congratz and good luck!! ^__^ I'm proud of you, aff really is like a family.
omg haha this is such an amazing book^^ and actually I live so close to you LOL I'm also living in Canada :D I read your preview for the stargazer's scrapbook is just a fresh breath of air. Actually I just stumbled when I was looking for some new fics to read and your video popped up :D You seem such an awesome author and I'm going to read some of your past fics^^ Author-nim Jjang!
xinnie #6
It sounds good!!!! Hehe,i might just ask my school to get it for me! If...they could but yeah...hahaha,Manchester and Canada... woaaaah long distance! But I'll try my best because this sounds like a book to read! Hwaiting!!!
exobunny #7
Congrats! -gives you a virtual hug- I read all your fanfics but I don't really comment because I'm a silent reader...sorry...but logging on to my AFF and seeing your video I am sooooooo happy for you! Being a AFF author to a author in real life is amazing!! I'm so proud of you and happy! Good luck and fighting Unnie!! <3
this is the first time that I actually really want to buy and read a book, oh my god. really hope my parents will let me order! btw, congratulations!!! ♡
Congrats! I want to read it but it's not available in our country. But I'll wait :D
Wow! Congratulations!
Blackjack27 #11
congratulations!!! i bought the book about an hour ago and plan to start reading it tomorrow ^^ I wish you luck and hope you succeed in being a great author ^^ I read all your fanfics tho i never really cooment cus im a silent reader but hearing this news it makes me beyond happy that you are debuting as an author in real life not just on aff. again i wish you luck fighting author nim!! ^^
congrats!!! Hopefully i get to buy it !! :)
Congratulations!! :) Hopefully I get to buy it!! ;;
Once again, congratulations! :)
May I question, would there be a love story in this book?