Finals are over, no more school :D

I am finished with my finals XDDD


Graduation will be on the 25 June and until then I won't have school anymore... I don't have school in general anymore XDDD


I will start writing again by today (already started to write the first paragraphs for Black Pearl and Two Moons and Seraphinium^^)


Phew, it feels quite unreal, actually, to not have to stand up in the early morning now.


As I mentioned before, I will go to Thailand for a year from July on but I will go back to Germany but I won't continue to study immediately, I will work for one year, before I study, at least that was my plan (I am actually quite happy that in Germany you don't have to study immediately and can get a good job without going to university^^)


See you on the next update guys :D


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geguma96 #1
Congrats!!! I hope you do well in Thailand *^*
SeoKyung #2
congratulation :)
well actually, i envy you so much. i still have exams, competition that i dont understand why i was chosen cause im stupid, performance for my club and later after the exam which should have been the time to rest and having holiday, i still have to go to school for something i dont even know if it is important or not, but i still have to and i can't refuse or i will get minus from the teacher.
anyway, congratulation and have a nice holiday ;)
Rima-chan #3
Congrats :) I have a lot of friends who finished their finals (Abi halt xD) and I have the impression I'm the only one who has school xD (yeah I know my whole class has, but a lot of my friends have finished school)
I hope you have fun with your school-free time ^^
krystalkim #4
Congrats for you,it's must be fun to have long vacation,have fun.~
ggie15 #5
congrats for ur graduation.. i hope u have fun for ur 1 year of study vacation... hehe...
Guess what? School's starting in 4 days for me. fml. nooooo. But I kinda want to go to school already. I miss the feeling of learning. Anyway, congrats aka! And enjoy your trip to Thailand~ Thailand's so near to my own country.
congratss for ur graduation. . tsk tskk.. I need to wait about 5-6 years to make my study over and out from the high school. . :'( well.. I hope u enjoy ur life.. ;) :)
sujushineeroc #8
Oh wow! Congrats!! My graduation was earlier, and the end of May, so I'm finished with school too!! Our school is really nice though, they let the IB seniors out of school first, so we don't have to go to school during the 3 weeks that we take our exam. The week after they finish is the week of graduation. So, yay!! No more waking up really early-I used to be the person who woke up first in my family, now I'm usually the last. It feels nice to not have to wake up and think of the things you urgently have to do that day or before a certain deadline. I hope you enjoy yourself in Thailand, I have a friend who is half Thai and half German, and she says both countries are very beautiful. She goes to Thailand occasionally and she loves it there, so I hope you love it there too! It's cool that in Germany the stress on university education is not too high-here in America there's a lot of pressure to go to university because there aren't many options for people that don't have one. It's cool that the attitude in Germany is different. I would love to be able to go and immerse myself in a different country, really get to learn the culture and the language and the way the society works there.
FrrrAnikaFrrr #9
Omg, sooo jelous! I still got 3 years of school left and then I have to go to university imediatly, because the younger and more educated you are - the more chances you have in finding good job, aaand I‘m not very smart in maths and physics and chemistry. Ugh, sad life :((( but congrats on finaly finishing school!!! I hope you‘ll find a good job! and will have great time in Thailand! ^.^ oh and what do you wan‘t to study? just curious :)
stephanie1994 #10
congratulations! hope you the best! and can't wait for the updates xD
Gongratz... enjoy your life before going to college ...
have fun in Thailand ... enjoy ur vacation as well
Congrats on graduating!!! You're so lucky to be done, I have 2 more years of uni left LOL have fun in Thailand, gosh you're so lucky...I was only there for a week of vacation and it's beautiful >.< such good food too :P anyways, best of luck to your future endeavours :D
Good luck with your plans,I hope all your dreams come true!:)..also I'm excited about the new chapters!Especially Two Moons and Black Pearl!:D
Congrats on graduating school!^^
Congratulations!! I hope you reach your dreams~ Fighting!!