Matalino, pero tamad.

Smart, but lazy.

I was around seven years old when I started hearing that. And somehow, it stayed. Looking back, it was quite easy to understand how the adults around me came to that conclusion. I had an endless list of excuses to not have my study time filled with—well, studying. I chose to not participate in activities, because it’s too much for my energy gauge to handle.

Walang pakisama.


My cousins would tell me that, when I preferred to stay inside the house and read, instead of playing touch the color, takip-silim or patintero with them.

I was still young, when I started being aware of those labels being placed on me. Not bad, some of you may think. But it’s just as limiting as the next label out there. I do not know, but the more I heard those, the more I was convinced.

I’m smart, but lazy.

Since I’m smart, but lazy, I just won't study. Because I’m lazy. But I’m smart.


Since I’m uncooperative, I just won’t bother.

It’s like a role I have to play all the time. As if I would break the routine, if I step out of the line. If I study harder, and actually cooperate for once.

And truth be told, those labels put me in a suffocating, and yet, comforting box. It clearly placed a clear line on what I should do, and shouldn’t. I still was able to walk through the years, but not with confidence.

Do you watch HunterxHunter? If you don’t, please watch it. Well, I’ll compare that experience with Killua and the needle on his head, placed by his older brother, Illumi, to manipulate his thoughts.

Killua, the silver-haired assassin with steely blue eyes.

Twelve years of age, he wants to protect his best friend.

But he can’t.

Because of what his brother kept on telling him: “You do not deserve to have friends; you will only betray them in the end; you only think about yourself…”

Still, he broke free.

The similarity? Nothing. I just want to recommend that anime to you.

Just kidding.

It’s actually this: Killua was able to liberate himself from the box Illumi placed him in. And I, too, broke the mold I have been living in for the longest time. It was a process. And I certainly didn’t do it alone. I was sadly comfortable in that kind of zone. The smart-but-lazy-girl-who-is-uncooperative zone.

I do not fit in that kind of container. I am made by God, for God.

I actually have amusing stories, as to how God beckoned me out of my ‘training cage.’ But I suppose, what is amusing to me, may not be amusing to you. And what is a milestone for me, may be a pebble’s throw for you. That’s something I consider amazing, though. I think, knowing who has it better and who has it worse, isn’t important. How much we mature in those times—for me—is what matters.

I’m merely rambling in this blog post, but I hope you remember you are more than the labels placed upon you. You are more than those.

You are loved.

You are wanted.

You are cared for.

Perhaps, not by the people you want. Or the people you expect.

But here’s something even better: God loves you. God wants you. God cares for you.

And He won’t fail you.

It’s just so great, knowing when I finally flung the door towards Him wide open, He’s already there, waiting.

By entering through faith into what God has always wanted to do for us—set us right with him, make us fit for him—we have it all together with God because of our Master Jesus. And that’s not all: We throw open our doors to God and discover at the same moment that he has already thrown open his door to us. We find ourselves standing where we always hoped we might stand—out in the wide open spaces of God’s grace and glory, standing tall and shouting our praise.

- Romans 5:1-2


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Summer, you brought warmth to my heart <3
autumntears #2
Your words are always true and encouraging...thank you for the lovely post...
Aigoo, matalino pero tamad din daw ako. Dati nasasaktan ako, pero hinayaan ko na lang. I know what I want. And I thank Him for He loves me unconditionally, no matter what label they call me.
Waa, more blessings and encouragement from Summer! \o/ Thanks! The post didn't particularly speak to me as much as it did to others, but it's always good to hear such encouragement and reminder that we have God, no matter the circumstances (':
And, I'll consider watching HunterxHunter xD I've heard of the anime before, and I think my friends watched it too.
farabigail #5
im tearing.
you give me unexpected support,
because i was halfway to achieve my dream, but i have so many obstacles. with that, i begin to doubt about my future.
people always tell me that i can't. or they tell me i can, but they do much better than me,
you know, its always to please other people, when they dont even want to see you succeed.
but now, i conviced that i have god, he is the one i should please, because he is the one who can help me.
And here i am, studying for final exam tomorrow with no doubt about my dream, future.
i sincerely thank you :)
Oh. My. God. This blog post spoke out to me SO much, it's uncanny how perfect the timing is.

I am exactly what you used to be. Smart, but lazy. Too lazy. I had my glory days of my early years of high school - middle school for you guys. I was put in the extension class, teachers liked me, I had above average reports. But these days as I'm in the important last few years of high school, I've literally deteriorated. Today I had an interview and a phone call from school because I am at risk at failing school altogether, and that is simply because I've slacked off so much, I'm drowning in leftover workload, I feel too overwhelmed to even care anymore. I don't even know what to do with myself anymore, but this post has reminded me that there is hope, even though my mum keeps scolding me and ranting to other friends that I'm the laziest student in the whole entire world. OTL
Labels.. I experience them too.. Somehow your post makes me feel better.. Thanks.. Your posts are always worth reading..
Summer you made me laugh when said that you mentioned the anime hunter x hunter just for recommendations. XD

I think that everyone has this kind of label, but how you just said we have to get out of them because we are more than those labels.
Like always is a pleasure to read what you write.
God Bless you.
Hugs. ^^,
Thank you. Recently i'm facing this problem.
Those labels people put on me made my heart became heavy. I started having nightnares about failure.

I'm in a big mess.