Definition of Perfection.

● Definition of Perfection 


  1. the state or quality of being perfect.



Isn't it ironic how society expresses the definition of perfection as being flawless, the best there can be, exemplary but yet when one dies from not being perfect, for not being good enough it's very 'upsetting'. Why is it upsetting? You gave her a list on what she should look like and because she was unable to you made her feel like trash. You made her feel worthless that she stared at herself with disgust in her eyes as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, she picked out her flaws continously, she tried to hide her body, herself from the world. The feeling of not being perfect ate her alive, to the point it killed her. However instead of you pressing the trigger she pressed it instead. Why did she do it? Because society killed her and no one cared. No one cared how she felt when she was alive, it was until she was dead when it was suddenly important.


Society's definition of perfection is wrong. Inorder to be considered perfect you have to be intelligent, pretty and talented. The thing is everyone is born with beauty, intelligence and talent however, these 3 qualities are different for everyone which is why it does not fit into society's definition of it. Which is stupid in my opinion. One size does not fit in all. We are all intelligent, we all have knowledge but on different qualities, you could say. The word perfect. The seven letter word that should not exist because it is not real. The misleading word that fools everyone into thinking that it is real, that there is a real and fair definition for it. 


My point in this blog, and what I'm trying to portray is no one is perfect and that's okay. Remember Hannah Montana's song 'Nobody's Perfect' ;) We were not born to be perfect, so why should we try so hard until it breaks us. Everyone is captivated by perfection that they do not see that it is all fake, some what a myth. I think it's time people understood that, and did not fall into the trap of being perfect because all it does is break you. Others who have greed to be perfect need to realise it as well because being too caught up in it they do not see what they're doing to others, affecting others. This can go under bullying. See it as glass, once broken it can never be fixed no matter how much you try to fix it. Or how much you apologise.


So next time you look at yourself in the mirror, don't be upset. Be happy with who are you, be proud. You are beautiful just the way you are and I mean it. Some beauty are hidden, you need to dig deeper to be able to see it. Don't let what others say bring you down, no one can be perfect. Remember that. Your flaws are what makes you the person you are today so love yourself because you are beautiful my dear. Slim, chubby, tall, short none of that defines perfection, always remember that when you're down.


"To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don't need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself." - Thich Nhat Hanh


People make mistakes. Nobody is perfect.

● 31.05.14 


Just a little reminder for everyone. Nobody is perfect.

You were born to be REAL not to be perfect.

Real people aren't perfect. Perfect people aren't real.



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shining_writer #1
Society's perception of beauty affects people because they care about how others think. I don't think everyone is beautiful, but it doesn't matter if they are ugly.

The simple solution is to realize that it's okay if people thinks we aren't beautiful because it doesn't matter in the long run. (It's not easy at all, to be honest. We desire for recognition of some sorts).