
Okay guys, get ready for another rant.

If you haven't heard already, in Orlando there was a shooting that has caused the lives of 50 people. First of all, my prayers go out to their families. Like seriously, the one question I have for murderers is what do you gain from it? To the shooter, I hope you regret the decision you made. Those 50 people did not deserve this, they went out clubbing, just having some fun to be mercilessly killed. The shooting began around 2am, when the club, Pulse (the club)was supposed to be closing. Their families were waiting for them at home only to have them never return. It breaks my heart to hear such tragic news.

It angers me that humans kill other humans. Like why? We are we so corrupted as human beings. Why are we so violent? Why must be spread wars and hatred instead of love? Why can't we just all happily get along with all of our differences. This is for the Muslims, Christians, Jewish, Hindus, Atheist. This is for everyone. Why can't we all love together? And to those people who are blaming the Muslims as a whole. How dare you. Some nerve you have. How is it fair to blame an ENTIRE group of people, a group of 1.6 BILLION people for the acts of a minority? "Muslims are terrorists", if ALL Muslims were terrorist we would all be dead by now.

Honestly, how ignorant and narrow-minded you have to be to blame a religion as a whole. Muslims are peaceful, Islam does not condone terrorism.  Let me give you some information on Muslims and Islam. First of all they greet by saying "assalamu alaykum" which translates to "peace be with you." They literally great each other by saying my peace be with you yet you still call them terrorists? How does that make sense? Secondly, in the Qur'an it states; "whoever kills an innocent life, it is as if he has killed all of humanity." Meaning, the Qur'an is against killing. When there is  a war it is specifically stated that woman, children, the old, sick, animals and plants must not be harmed. They are not allowed to steal what does not rightfully belong to them. So please do tell me how Islam is such a violent religion.

Additionally, to those who mock a very important figure to Muslim, Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) shame on you. He has taught such beautiful lessons to be compassionate, kind and caring. Here are some of his sayings:

"You do not do evil to those who do evil to you, but you deal with them with kindness and forgiveness."

"There is nothing heavier in the scale than good character."

"The best of you are those who are good to women."

"A father gives his child nothing better than a good education."

"When you see a person who has been given more than you in money and beauty, look to those, who have been given less."

So once again please do tell me how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is evil. These hadiths (sayings from the Prophet) are followed every day by Muslims all around the world for it is Sunnah. This means, to follow in his footsteps and live life peacefully. Now, there are also people who blame the Qur'an for terrorism. Let me show you some of the sayings in the Qur'an:

"Oh son of Adam, I do not forget the person who disobeys me, so how can I forget someone who obeys me?"

"Speak justice."

"And speak to people kindly."

"He is with you wherever you are."

"So be patient. Indeed. The promise of Allah is truth."

"What is the matter with you? Why do you not help one another?"

"Surely, good deeds erase bad deeds."

So, my point with this blog is please if you don't have any knowledge in this religion do not go spreading hate about the said religion. For those who claim they know enough about this religion, honey let me tell you something. Fox News, CNN, the media do not show you the truth of Islam nor the beauty. If you really wanted to be educated about this religion, go pick up the Qur'an and read for yourself with your own eyes. This month is a special month for Muslims as it is Ramadan.

During this month Muslims fast, recite the Qur'an, give charity, learn the values of life. During this month they reflect on who they are as a person and thrive to change to be a better person than they were yesterday. They understand about the poor, about how much they suffer everyday. A whole month just on that. Isn't that peaceful? Plus, as majoirity of you know who Jesus is since he is such an important figure in the Bible and Christianity. Do you not know that Muslims have love and respect for Jesus too? However, instead of seeing him as a God like Christians do, they see him as a Prophet. An important Prophet.

Now I know some of you may question, why the shooter Omar Mateen killed 50 innocent people because they were gay. Some of you are most likely saying that it says so to kill them in the Qur'an. Once again, that is false. Islam does not exactly agree with homouality just how the Bible doesn't but that doesn't mean people you have the right to kill them. Every human being matters. In the Qur'an and Prophet Muhammad have said to treat everyone kindly and equally. Treat them as your own brother/sister. Just how in the Bible it says to, "love thy neighbour." However, it is the terrorist group ISIS who take out bits of the Qur'an out of context and view them in a much negative and darker light. They consume the words oppositely. They treat every matter with violence, everything that goes against Islam. 

So please do not go isolating Muslims, please do not hate them. They are human beings just like us. It is time we come together as one. As a whole. To fight ISIS once and for all. Muslims are not the problem, ISIS are. ISIS are not Muslims even if they claim to be. It's like if I claimed I am Ghandi would you believe me? You would most likely call me a wacko, a weirdo because surely how can I be the wise man Ghandi himself? Now question yourself, why are you believing a group of radicalised people on who they are? They are barely sane, so how are they correct with who they say there are. ISIS are NOT Muslims. Terrorism has NO religion. Muslims are peaceful. The word Islam literally means P E A C E. So please, instead of making these judgements open your eyes and look at the real problem we are facing. Terrorism and these idiotic gun laws. 

And lastly, people are allowed to love who they want. Love has no choice, control. You cannot make one suffer over something they have no control over. Love is love. 




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