Thank you, AFF.

May 29, 2013... was the day I made this account on AFF. It's been a year, I can't believe it. XD


I knew AFF from my neighbor, she's also into K-pop and she told me about this cool website called ASIANFANFICS where we can read any kind of fics. At first, I was reading fics without making an account, but then I couldn't read 'Subscribers Only' and 'Members Only' fics. That forced me to finally made one.


The first fic I read was dbskgirl4ever's fic. Who doesn't know her? I think everyone here know her. I have to admit that she was and really is amazing. But then plagiarism issue made her locked her stories and I haven't even finished reading it. TT.TT I was like, OH MY GOD, WHAT HAPPENED? WHY CAN'T I OPEN THE FIC? WHY? WHY? WHY? TT^TT


But then, I moved on to other fics and I realized that I can find soooo many brilliant and amazing authors here. I felt like, if I had a publishing company, I would like to ask each one of their permission to publicize their amazing stories. Oh, I felt like I finally found my world.


I really love reading, so much. I can laugh, cry, upset because of reading. I know I'm just an ordinary reader here on AFF. I just can adore (and can't help but feel jealous on) people who can make their wild imaginations into wonderful stories. I'm very grateful because AFF is such a place to brighten my days and comfort me when I had such bad days. And I also made many new friends here. I never thought I could talk to people outside my 'real' life before.


Last but not least, I just want to say thank you, thank you, thank you, to whoever made this amazing website. I really really love you. (Can I just marry you? You're such a wonderful person. Hehe.) God bless you. XD


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kimsfangirl #1
Happy 1st anniversary! :D
Lol~the admin won't marry you...hohoho
hopelesswriter #3
did i just see a marriage proposal? :D
/gets slapped/
happy 1st anniversary~!
/throws virtual star dusts n cotton candies/