Have you guys ever dated before?

Hey guys, i felt really bored that's why I decided to type this blog. The title of this blog is my question. Have you guys ever dated before. I've never dated before because no one ever confessed to me. I know, 14 years of life and not a single confession? Man, I must be horrible. It's starting to get to me. U see, a few days ago, a guy asked me: " Have you coupled before?" So I said no then he asked: " Why? Is it because you don't want to or is it because no one wants you?" I answered the latter. At first, it was fine but then after awhile, I started to feel... I dunno, insecure and ashamed or something like that. Because tons of students in my school are dating and it just makes me feel... Weird. As if I'm the odd one. Even before, I was talking with one of my friends about dating and I mentioned that no one ever confessed to me before and she was like: What?! Really? I just chuckled and tried to make a joke out of it by saying yeah, no one wants me. But now, I just feel so well, weird and unwanted. I just get jealous of all my friends who either have tons of boys after them or have decent guys or are just really popular. I don't know why but I'm starting to turn into a jealous . Eotteoke?!


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Eh. There is nothing to worry about. Things come with its time and there is no need to rush.
Idk. I´ve never gone out with anyone. Noone confessed to me either nor have I ever had any intrest in dating.
A few of my friends have dated before, so for some time i was feeling weird about it, too, but i realized there were more important things in life.
I guess it comes natuarally.
My sister started dating when she was 17 and my mom in college.
Some of my friends dated in grade school and kindergarden and some are still single.
For most of the part, most of the people in my grade are single. Lol.
Just cause the others date doesn´t mean you have too. If you rush you might regret things later. If you meet someone and the chemistry is good between you, you can go for it.
You are not unwanted. Just do your thing nd dont rush into things mindlessly.
If you want to date, tho, idk, go on a party? But hookups ar usually stupid anyway.

sorry for my ty advice. but I hope it made you feel better. (even a tiny, littly, weeny, itty-bitty bit?)
Don't feel left out! You just haven't come across the right person yet! :)