❋ Global Girls ❋ Jade


Starships Are Meant to Fly

Full Name: Zhang Dai Yu
Date of Birth: December 3, 1991
Age: 22

Ethnicity: Chinese
Place of Birth: Guilin, Guangxi, China
Hometown: Shanghai, China
Languages: Mandarin Chinese, Korean (Fluent) English (Conversational, her pronuciation is really good.)

闪烁耀眼 Find Your Soul

Stage Name: Jade (Her chinese name means Black Jade)
Country: China
Position: Lead Dancer and Lead Vocal
Backup Position: Main Vocal
On-screen persona: The Siren
Fanclub Name: Stones
Fanclub Color:: Jade (00A86B)

Vocal Twin: Sohyang | GEM (For english and mandarin singing twins.)
Backup Vocal Twin: Ailee | Jane Zhang

Dancing Twin: Stephanie (CJSH The Grace/Solo) (More Hip Hop) (Some Ballet (In the red and black)) (Other) (Playlist)
Backup Dancing Twin: Ferlyn

Backup Faceclaim: Fan Bingbing

이 미소는 Fire 널 애태우니까

Personality (Detailed please): Dai Yu isn't one of the first members you would notice amoungst the group. She's is more so active behind the scenes. Dai Yu is extremely careful with her words, she has a large vocabulary and will use it. She has a strong sense of empathy, in which allows her to understand others well. Dai Yu loves to read, you wont see her without a book, she is always carrying one around. She prefers paperbacks over any other kind, just because they are more portable. She is extremely down to earth, and fairly humble, though she'll occasionally joke about being arrogant. On stage, and to others who don't know her well, Dai Yu could be seen as graceful and elegant, everything she does is well thought out, but to her fans, members and close friends, she's a graceful dork. With her thoughtful nature comes her hard work. Dai Yu is extremely hardworking. She wants to achive perfection, and will work until she gets it. An obsesive perfectionist is what the other members often call her. often she will stay at rehersals to perfect the dances and even work on some others so she seems well rounded. She is extremely schedule oriented, and will rarely deviate from it. Everything is planned, every word, step, glance, smile, ect. until the cameras are off and she is by herself. Rarely ever is she relaxed around cameras, she is very shy around them, prefering to devert the attention to one of the other members. When the cameras are off is where you'll see the graceful dork. She is described as a puppy, cute and cuddly. Dai Yu loves skinship, and you can see that anywhere, on or off camera, it is just more obvious off camera. It calms her down to know that somebody else is around her. Like an anchor. She isn't neccisaruly the funniest in the group, but she loves word play, playing with words. Most of her wit comes from that, which is why she has some pretty awesome one liners. With her father being a politician, she obviously is a very good speaker, getting it from him. She is an amazing story teller, whether they be made up or just incidents from the past, she can have you hanging on the edge of every word she says. She is very much an introvert and needs time to recharge, she can only be around so many people before she feels exhausted. Often to do so, she'll play piano, or just listen to music. Or play on her piano app on her phone. She finds it easiest to express herself through her piano, the music is a story in itself, she has been playing since she could remember, she could easily play on cue, to most any song. Playing by ear is one of her talents. Perfect pitch her mother called it. 

Likes (5 minimum): Piano, Linguistics, Sour Candy, Traveling, Singing, Musicals, Operas, Study
Dislikes (5 minimum): sweets,  scary/horror movies, Bugs, complaining, off pitch singing, surprises
Fears (2 minimum): freefalling; The feeling you get when it happens, it's the worst to her. She doesn't handle roller coasters well either. She doesn't like the dark either, She has a vivid imagination and it tends to go wild in the dark. It goes hand in hand with her strong dislike of horror movies and surprises. Needles; She hates shots. 

Hobies (2 minimum): reading, Piano, singing, walking/exploring, watching movies, Listening music 
Habits: (2 minimum): When she sings, and she isn't playing an instrument or dancing, she moved her hand according to pitch. 

She plays with the jewelry on her hands when she is nervous

She tends to write notes or little messages in her hands and arms, much to the annoyance of her managers and coordinators.

Most of the time, at fansignings, she will be chewing on the end of her pen. 

She sleep talks 

Trivia (6 minimum): Her nickname (Girl with giant lungs) Comes from her vocal rang. (Bb3-E6)

Her blood type is A

She has a slight speach impediment, you can hear it when she talks, but it doesn't affect her singing. 

Piano is her main instrument of choice, but she knows the basics of guitar, saxaphone and Violin.

She can wiggle her ears

A definite morning person

If asked to show off her singing, she will usually sing Whitney Houstan's I Will Always Love You Or Alicia Key's Fallin. Her fans consider those her go to songs. 

Kim Joo Young is one of her favorite Korean actors, and she thinks he's cute. 

Godfrey Gao is her favorite Chinese actor. She also thinks he is cute. 

In her group, she is known for having a wide preference in guys.

She is often dubbed as the new whitney houstan or even Alicia Keys

She loves languages, and wants to learn more. She is currently working on her english and wants to learn Cantonese. She has good pronuciation in both languages, which makes it easy for her to sing in them. That is usually the first thing she studies when learning a language. The pronuciation. She gets embarress when people point out her accent or her speach impediment.

Conmigo nada es fácil

Background: Dai Yu was born in Guilin,Guanxi, China on a vaction her mother and father were taking at the time. She was definitely a surprise at the time. She was born two weeks early. Being born to a concert pianist and an ambasador did definitely influence her in her life. She started playing the piano at the age of five, and had started singing around then as well. In her summers she would go with her father whenever he would have to go to Korea on trips, She didn't bother learning the langugae until she was about ten, when she would watch TV with out her dad, she couldn't understand what they were saying, so she asked her dad if she could start learning. He complied, wanting a well rounded child, and the fact that he was in korea so often, it made things easier on him. That was also around the same time She asked to be put into dance classes, inspired by Shinhwa, a group she liked in korea. During her school years, Dai Yu was a good student. She got good grades, but she always excelled in music, especially in piano and singing. In her last year of high school(2010 ish), she participated in her school's talent show, with a lot of encouragement from her mom and friends. It was her mom and some of the family friends who helped her prepair her performance which was just a piano and vocal cover of Alicia Key's song Fallin. She placed fifth in the competiton, mainly because she had trouble controling her brething, and she was more focused on the piano. (clip of performance) In 2004, some of her old school mates wanted to audition for SM Entertainment, they wanted her to join them as well, mainly because she could speak korean, and could help them with their singing, beings that she could play piano very well, and had taken singing lessions. She didn't know if she wanted to join them or not, she asked her parents anyway. Both of her parents felt the same way, but they decided if she wanted to do that they will help her. In the end she went with them, originally not planning to audition, It was fun to watch her friends audiontion, and to cheer them on, but by the end, she wished she could have. It wasn't until late 2010 that the opurtunity presented itself for her to audition again, well more like SM annouced that they would be holding auditions in beijing in 2011. She spent the time before that prepairing for the audition, with the help of her mother and some family friends that her mother worked with, she worked on a more technical version of the song she performed at her school's talent show. One that would show off her vocal capabilities. As for dancing, she had no idea what she was going to do, until Mid may of 2011 came around when her friends suggested that she just stick to contemporary and ballet for her dance part of auditions, She mentioned that SM had a female group with a ballet dancer, and the fact that Han Geng himself studied ballet and was the one chosen from the same audition she was going to participate in. With that in mind, with the help of her ballet teacher, she choreographed a routine that showed off her strengths. When auditions came around in august, she was ready this time and knew what was going to happen. Already ahead of the game against most of the people auditioning, she could speak korean. She sung her song, and danced. All that was left was to wait to hear from SM. In the begining of 2012, she got a call saying she was accepted into the company, to which her family celebraited. She flew out in late Feburary to begin training with SM.

Trained for (Minimum 2 years): 2 years
Before becoming an SM Trainee: She was just studying music and dance in school. She never did anything outside of competitions. She isn't very well known before debut.

Pouvez-vous gérer mon style?

Style: Dai Yu herself has a very causal, hipster-esque type of fashion, while Jade has a more edgy look. They go hand in hand well, one is just more causal than the other. She generally wears contacts, but occassionally you'll see her sporting her glasses.
Links: D A I Y U | J A D E

Any Peircings?:Yes, on one side it looks like this. The other side looks the same, it just doesn't have the star peircing
Birth Marks?: Nope, it went away.
Scars?: Nope, She does have a slight speach impediment though, it doesn't affect her singing, just when she speaks.

Семья есть все

Mother | Zhang Dong Mei | 49 | Concert Pianist/Piano teacher | 7/10 | Very professional, and has a down to earth personality, very easy going.

Father | Zhang Xin Sen | 56 | Current PRC Ambassador to South Korea | 7/10 | A quiet man, intellectual, somebody who thinks before he speaks. He is kind, but cold. 

連れてって I want it

Love Interest: Yong Junhyung
Backup Love Interest: Zico

Personality: Junhyung has that cold city chic image, that translates little into his real self. Much like Dai Yu, its a persona. Junhyung is actually pretty easy going and really funny, he may not be the most social of idols, but he is more social than a lot of them. Somebody who is passionate about music, he could spend hours just talking about it. He is definitely a playboy, s joking around that he couldn't count how many ex girlfriends he had with both his hands and feet. He is definitely a clean freak, keeping everything tidy, a tad OCD. When it comes to relationships, he definitely knows what he is doing, a definite flirt. Honesty is the best policy with him, he is pretty blunt, you don't ask unless you want the truth. You can always expect him to be honest with you. He oozes confidence, and even if he doesn't know what he is doing, most of the time, you can even tell. He is actually really tactful, and sometimes even cute, no matter how hard he tries not to be.
Relationship (Describe how they feel about each other):...Out of all the idols, Junhyung and Dai Yu would probably be the least likely to get along. She is a fantastic vocalist, a classically trained dancer, and somebody from a very affluent family. While Junhyung is a fantastic rapper, in a different company, with a hip hop style, and from a neat and traditional house hold. Obviously, after living in korea full time, she learned about beast, and had always admired how Junhyung wrote most of his lyrics, plus he had a nice voice. It didn't help that most of her roommates at the time would spazz over them. While Junhyung only learned about her after the group debut. All he thought of her was that she had a good voice. It wasn't until after they met that they actually formed a sort of friendship. Both Dai Yu and Junhyung hold the other in high respect, due to their musicianship. Dai Yu is actually pretty starstruck around him, He admires her talent with the piano, and thinks a phenominal dancer. It is one of those relationships which they look for the other in shows they participate in, and its hard to forget the other.
Interactions (Describe how they act around each other):... Dai Yu is fairly shy around him, stumbling on her words, sometimes mixing up languages. Most of the time she is pretty awkward around him, until they actually start talking about music, something they are both passionate about. She turns into somebody else almost, compleatly comfortable. While he is fairly patient around her, much like a kind senior, pretty friendly. 
How did they meet?: Being born in 1991, she is apart of the 91 line, as well as the china line, but it was the 91 line that sort of got her to meet Junhyung. After her debut, she became close with Key from SHINee who invited her along to one of the hangouts with the 91 line. There she met Dongwoon who she immediatly became friends with. He was kind, and kept the mood going in their little group. She even got to the point where she would hang out with him outside of 91 line meetings. Mainly just for a bit to eat, sharing stories, or him helping her out with being an idol, while she would help him with his mandarin. He often did talk about his other members, Junhyung came up often in their conversations, but she never officially met him until one of their live performances, where Megan Lee was performing, which Junhyung featured in. The group introduced themselves to both him and megan, which he comments to her that dongwoon talks about her a lot. They struck up a conversation, mainly about what dongwoon had said about them. It was a month after that he texted her, getting her number from Dongwoon. Praising her on one of her solo songs. From there they just got to know each other. Learning little things about each other. It got to the point in which the members knew who she was texting whenever she smiled at her phone, much to the teasing of the other members.

Rival: Ailee 
Backup Rival: Hyorin

Personality: Ailee has a bright and bold personality, somebody who prefers honesty, and is very honest. She is very outgoing, loving to be the center of attention. She has a cute feel to her, not afraid to do aegyo. She is a huge fan of sports, but still maintains that cute feeling. She has no problem showing off her voice, or even being y. She is up for any challenge. 
Relationship: They have a friendly relationship. Both Dai Yu and Ailee get along well with each other. They consider the other friends, they challenege each other. And with people constantly comparing Dai Yu to Ailee, it helps fuel the competition. They both have expressed wanting to have a singing battle.
Interactions:They are both friendly with each other. While Ailee is the older of the two, a lot of people tend to think Dai Yu is the eldest. While Ailee has a cuter image and Dai Yu with the sultry image, they both share many things. Both Ailee and Dai Yu have stated that they would love to have a duet. They often are seen messing around with each other, teasing the other. Ailee is like an older sister to Dai Yu.
How did they become rivals?: It is because of the media that they became rivals. They are both phenominal vocalist, and are constantly compared because of that. They find it funny and tend to add fuel to the fire with their interactions. 

Anything Else?

Comments: I hope you like Dai Yu. Let me know if there is anything I need to change, or if you need help with anything.
Suggestions: Nothing I can think of.
Scene Requests: Members teasing Dai Yu about Junhyung, Ailee making comments about it on a show. A solo song for Dai Yu, or one with Ailee or Junhyung. Maybe in a singing competition, or even a musical. How about a ballet performance with her and another male kpop ballerina (Lee Joon is the only one I know of.) (This would be a good clip to use. The good stuff starts around 1:40)
Rival Girl Groups: Sistar, Girls Day, T-Ara, After School, Orange Caramel, Hello Venus, 2NE1, Miss A, Rainbow, I'm just listing off popular girl groups. 
Password: 163cm and 54kgs. Though her profile says she is 45kgs. When she has gone below 50kgs, she became extremely lethargic and got sick way easier than she usually does. The company keeps her usually between 50kgs-55kgs, but she has to say she is 45kgs, because it looks better.   



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